How many times am I going to testrun this guy? for D_versus_D

Sep 30, 2010 02:07


[Tim is in the workshop he set up, but the door is open since it's a nice day. Maybe you're his assistant, maybe you're just nosy. Either way, you're probably awfully curious what he's planning to do with all that dry ice and white paint.]


[Contest! This one is some kind of zelda-esque dungeon. While he was useless in the last room, which was full of skeletons, this room involves a complicated array of light beams and mirrors.]
Finally, all those hours wasted on video games pay off. I've got this.


[While everything is going wrong all around you, Tim is boldly taking action! By...running away?]

I'd rather get out of this without being digested by something awful, so I won't stop you from doing your action hero thing. Let me know when you're done so's that I can stop hiding in the bathroom.

[player] eric, [game] d_versus_d

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