Oct 15, 2011 14:58
A) [Action | His front lawn]
[The older Russian man is mowing his lawn. Pushing lawnmower while smoking a cigarette.
He will wave to people so long as they don't come into his yard or bother him for too long.]
B) [Phone]
I heard interesting thing other day.
Tell me of this Kingdom Hearts
C) [Action | Tractor Cows]
[Someone has gone a bit stir crazy.
He's out with a hand sledge and is stalking the cows. Trying to figure out where to strike before walking up and slamming them on the back of the skull with the sledge.]
D) [Action]
[He is a strange man, and he says many strange things.
You decided to ask him about it.]
You want story? Very well, I tell you story...
E) [Phone]
I hear people have projectors and large tvs.
I have movie and request.
Let us gather people and watch classic movie, Fantasia.
[game] mayfield_rpg,
[canon] american gods