04 | VOICE

Oct 16, 2011 22:12

[ The feed begins with a long sigh. ]

Guess we all got screwed over by that giant octopus thing, huh? [ Kanji cracks his neck and clicks his tongue and teeth together. ] It's always the really gross ones that are damn hard to beat down. . .[ Briefly, he remembers a giant floating eyeball covered in fog before he shakes his head away from the memory. ]

So. While it's gettin' its beauty sleep, what's the battle plan for the next time it starts wavin' its...uhh, tentacles all over the place? I ain't gonna let it hurt anymore people, so let's just work together and get rid of it, yeah?

[ A thoughtful pause. ]

Ma cooks squid sometimes. With really good sauce and stuffin'. She guts it out and chops it up and takes out the ink and shit. Wonder if that'll work with a big-ass octopus. . .?

[......yes, Kanji. LET'S LITERALLY, COOK IT. ]

one helluva party huh guys, stay alive duh, event, we all need to be pirates, senpai signal help, ziodyne is useless now, !ic, sewing can't fix this one, fuck this shit, #vatheon, is off to help people, he was fixing his class dammit, kanji needs to be a pirate, this is somehow yosuke's fault, strength of heart, calling all his friends

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