The relationship with my sister is getting much better!

Dec 20, 2005 22:07

We talked for about 6 hours today. She paid me for time that I had worked for her in the past couple of weeks and also gave me $200 for next week since I am going to go in there and clean the heck out of her shop. She was just going to find a cleaning lady to do it but she wanted to offer it to me first. Of course I took it! Anyways, I got a list ( Read more... )

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testinggoddess December 21 2005, 05:11:37 UTC
Nope. Wont happen in Wal-Mart LOL Would happen in front of her shop downtown LOL...

I just have to call the mortgage company and see what I can work out. We are going to get it worked out before it even goes as far as foreclosure. I dont want THAT on my credit record.

Actually, I think I will be able to file 7...It will be the best thing for me. As I told my sister, I need to do it before I get another job paying me much more than I make now. She agrees with me.

I have been having migraines since I was 15. They can be called hormonal and stress related and I think SOME of that is true. I think that my diet may be another factor in migraines. I went on the South Beach diet for like 3 days and lost 10 pounds...I felt SO GOOD while I was on it but I cannot afford to do it right now. A week's worth of food for it can cost up to 175 a week. Once I am able to do it, I am going to start it again since I know it works.

My sleep disorders are something that have been occuring since I was a child. I researched Restless Leg Syndrome and found out that kids that have bad growing pains (like I had) while growing up will have the problem as adults. UAB Sleep Disorders Clinic actually changed the diagnoses to Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD) about a year after my initial diagnoses since it seems my arms are also involved. I have sleep apnea, but it isnt too bad. It maybe worse now than it was 5 years ago seeing as I put on all the weight I have put on. My doctor then told me I needed to lose weight but I told him I DIDNT have any weight to lose. I weighed 145 at the time and was VERY muscular. He told me the fat on my neck was pressing on my windpipe. He wanted to put me on CPAP and I shook my head no. I told him "Look, I am a single woman, LIKE HELL I am going to wear that at night when my apnea isnt that bad to justify it!" He laughed and said "yeah, it could kinda hurt things if you had a guy spend the night!"

I also have lower oxygen intake than most people do when I am sleeping. I forget the diagnostic word for it but that is the other thing that is going on with my sleeping.

I sleep on my side which solves the apnea problem. The PLMD is being helped by me taking a combination of Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc. I have tried Iron but it doesnt do much to help me. I also sleep with an electric blanket which helps to "warm" my legs up. Only time I sleep naked is when I am with someone LOL...needless to say, I dont spend much time sleeping naked these days since I havent had a "boyfriend" in like 6 months. So, socks, nice fluffy fleece pants and warm shirt take care of me.

What happens with me with the PLMD is this: a sneaky-crawling feeling in my legs, my arms feeling cold, whatever - I feel like I need to get up and walk to get my legs to stop their stuff. I do that but when I get back into the bed, the legs start acting up again. Much of this wasnt discovered until like I said 5 years ago. Even though I was working out at least 2 hours a day, 5 to 6 days a week, it wasnt helping any. It wasnt discovered when I was younger bc I was always tired from band and also walking our Golden Retriever every day.

I wished everything was stress related. But, alas, it isnt. It is aggravated by stress...But being off the meds for the past year and having little to no stress hasnt cured the problems. My money problems isnt that stressful to me to be honest with you. My job at the state WAS stressful. VERY stressful.

No, I havent listed my house yet. There is a lot of things that need to be done before it can be listed :)


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