May 13, 2003 17:07
this could be my last update from boston for about 4 months, so fuckign enjoy it!
sunday i got up, fucked around, studied with lauren from about 3 to 1am. we went to 575 lounge. fuckign computer science. when we got there we discovered the lakers game was on, i got all excited, and she did too, so it was cool, we watched it for a while. it was such a good game. then we went and studied for a while and then came down to watch the last 2 minutes. which were awesome, great game. we studied, got dom. the studying was actually fairly productive, considering that it was comp. sci. then i walked her home at about 1. went home and crashed.
woke up early on monday, took the comp. sci. final, which wasn't as bad as i expected i don't think. came home and started to pack. got lunch with lauren, and some myles people, then omar came by and ate with us. said goodbye to lauren, though we might do somethign tonight, who knows. made plans with omar to catch dinner. came back and packed. then i decided to get some shit for that night with omar. so i asked susie if she was still selling, she was, so i got me a gram, my first purchase, but it was no big deal cuz she was a friend. got dinner, went to best buy and rei and fucked around there. then went home and packed more, had a depressing chat with my mom, regarding my grandparents and how they are getting really old, and also about my grades and how the year went. i should expect a big convo. when i get home over the weekend. it'll be fine. then i talked to jase, he told me his big news, he's going to toronto for 6 weeks to film a disney channel movie of the week. so thats cool for him. i hope its fun when they come to LA, but i don't know, considering my current situation with the whole group, i have no idea how shit will go. we'll see. after all that, i really need to get fuckign high as hell. went to omar's. first he thought we should walk to his dorm form last year, but it was swarming with cops and stuff. so we decided to do what i initially decided to do, which is to just smoke along the river. we smoked two monster bowls. it was good shit. i was high before we even finished smoking. then we went back, talked to jason. went to the room, and made max come with us to store 24, we got a shit load of food, we had the munchies badly. i got two ice cream bars, funyuns, and cookies, it was sick, i ate so much. lol. so then we just chilled in the room, it was sooo funny. i was in such deep thought for so much of the time, it was great. i was the highest i've ever been last night, and it was great to do it with omar, good guy, a true friend. and that fucker is still hooking up with michelle. lol. went home around 3am. and fucking crashed.
woke up at about 10 this morning. did laundry. packed, packed, and packed. showered. packed. finally i finished more or less, i had 4 full boxes to take down to be stored. it came to $178, its ridiculous. but you gotta do it. so now i'm takign a break. my suitcases are more or less packed too. gonna get food soon, maybe with omar, see if i'm gonna smoke with anyone tonight, i doubt that i will. we'll see though. anyway, thats it for now, i can't wait to get on that fuckign plane and go the fuck home. i got nothing more to say, i'm outta here, out of boston, home, here i come...
next stop LA!!!