A Rant:
So I don't get the deal with people saying The Beatles are overrated. Really; can many people argue that they aren't one of the most influential bands known to music? Yes, its true that there are just as many bad songs as there good, but I'll eat my hat if you can listen to A Hard Days Night and say with a straight face that there isn't one song on there you like.
@ Sunny-Boy: How is the little emo boy? You're not getting any crazier are you?
I've been out of the dorms a lot lately, and I think its upsetting Bebe. I don't mean to, its just whenever the start of the academic year rolls around, I get really sucked into it. I've been neglecting her though. I wonder what it would take to not have to see those sad-puppy dog eyes of hers. It kills me every fucking time.