This tutorial will allow you to move your entry and sidebar text above your image map header, while leaving the header visible in all browsers.
Any LJ account (free, paid, or otherwise) with a
header image.
.shadowed img.x{
z-index: 1!important;
z-index: -10;
table, .shadowed div{
z-index: 80;
html>body table{
position: relative;
These codes should be added to your existing GLOBAL_HEAD or LASTN_HEAD overrides.
If you have used the tutorial linked above to add your header, editing of this code is not necessary.
If you have used a different method, you will need to change the class called x in the above overrides to reflect the class of your header image. For example, in your LASTN_WEBSITE, you may see a code like:
In this case, you would replace x in the above overrides with header.
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