When we get some time on our own; We'll plan our next year alone

Mar 22, 2009 23:54

My hair seems to be more manageable now that I know the trick to styling it when it's this short on me. At least my hair anyway. Like, not a major styling but enough of one where it works to reinforce my cool exterior and rebellious undertones. That's right, it's rock and roll, but the kind you can take home to your parents! Just sayin'...

So I'm having trouble finishing that love song I've been working these past couple of months on. I'm about to upend the tea table on it again. Oy vey. At least I got a pretty rock riff out of it. Not the one I was looking for but it'll do for another number.

This song is wonderful. I remember when it first came out. It's about 11 years old, too. Christ, do you folks know what that means? I was 11 when I knew I wanted to be a musician! It only took me a decade to actually get good at it.


Top 5 People I'd like to see right now (in no particular order):
*Ed Robertson

I wouldn't mind seeing anyone else, but the aforementioned are the ones I can think of that I'd like to see most currently. Unfortunately, 2 are residing in New York, 1 is in Oregon, and 1 is in Ontario. BUT I'm hangin' with Chris this weekend! So that's awesome.

Just sayin'.

For the first time I knew what to do
The first time it's just me and you
And the worst timing I ever knew, I have to go
I already know, 'cause it's a long way back home

Oh, Ed Robertson, you're my hero.

bnl, redhead, music, chris

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