Am I livin' it right?

Jan 18, 2009 23:20

So D.C. is pretty sweet so far. It's been enjoyable. It's an easy enough to travel around location what with the ultra clean Metro. Plus, my uncle has an extremely well placed snazzy residence/apartment thing. Thing is, he owns where he lives pretty much. It's not rented to him, he's pretty much a homeowner. Damn expensive, I think the grand total came out to about $700k. It's not completely paid off yet, obviously, but with the nice size of it, the appliances it comes with, the layout of the rooms, the lovely view of downtown, the location itself with a number of shops and grocery stores and retail around being literally a half minute walk from his place, and a number of other benefits... price seems right to me. He lives right outside the Greenline Metro stop at Columbia Heights, I think it's called. Damn easy to get to, maybe an hour commute to the airport.

I've done quite a bit of drinking since I've been here, though I'm hesitant to call my uncle an alcoholic. He just really likes his liquor is all. Hasn't gotten drunk here, and neither have I. But so far, yesterday was met with 2 Manhattans in the afternoon, some ale and a couple glasses of a couple wines in the evening, with a couple spiced rum 'n cokes this evening, and plenty of offers for others inbetween. He has a lot of liquor and beer just lying around. I know how to make a Manhattan now though, at least his way. He does it up 2 parts bourbon, 1 part dry vermouth, 1 part sweet vermouth, little bit a somethin' else, shaken over ice, a cherry or two in the bottom of the glass when you pour it in. Okay, so I don't got the entire thing down, but pretty simple I guess. Fuck, I'm not a bartender...

We went down to the Inaugural Concert at the Lincoln Memorial today. I use that phrasing loosely: we were pretty much maybe a hundred or so feet from the Washington Monument, maybe a third/quarter mile from Honest Abe. We arrived just in time to hear the end of U2's set and hear Mr. Obama deliver yet another well done speech to the American people. It was really interesting hearing him speak. He didn't say anything new, and didn't really say anything of too much substance, but his speech seemed more of a rallying cry than anything else, something to pump up the blood and the spirits of the public, to make them feel a part of something bigger than themselves, let them feel like they can make a difference, that the people are important and deciding again. Sure, it was superfluous. Yeah, it was just cotton candy for the masses. But they ate it up, and they loved it, and they wanted more. And if that's what it takes to shake the American people out of the apathy they've held fast to for so many years, then so be it. It's better than nothing, which is what it felt like we've been given by our Government these past two terms, maybe even more.

Ah fuck, "No Substitute" by the Secret Channel is on. So fuckin' good. David LoVerme, thank you for them.

Where the fuck was I? Oh yeah, apathy...


It's weird being at my uncle's. It's like a 5 fuckin' star hotel. I feel like a pauper livin' it up in the prince's pad. It's a luxury that I guess I should take advantage of while I'm here, since I won't have it around me come next Saturday. Not that I'll mind leaving. It's just that I'm not used to such nice accommodations. It might be... too comfortable. It's nice. Plus, all the free bourbon I'll ever need when I'm feeling fanciful. Not that I'm gonna finally blackout while I'm here. Only ever really been drunk in NY that one time, and even that wasn't too far gone. I'll be damned if I get fucked up here. I just don't do the drunk thing. Gotta have a lot more sway on me to get me to go past my limit. As much sway as Chris. You got that? No? Then shut the fuck up!

The hell?

I'm a fuckin' weirdo, yeah? Yeah. Whatever.

I'd update more about the mixing thing. Don't know what the hell's going on with that right now, though.

I'm gonna visit NY next month. Plan it when I get back. Probably stay a good few days this time. Last time Chris and I went it was pitiful 18 some odd hours, half of it spent sleeping. Aim to change it this time around. Catch up with some people while I'm down there.

Saw Manhattan on the flight down. Clear skies gave a beautiful view. I'll get to call her home some day. I hope that day comes as soon as I'm hoping. It's just gonna take something of half a miracle to make it happen this year. If not this year, yeah, there's always next year. Won't change the huge disappointment I may feel afterward if I don't make it this year. But that's something that a fuck up should get used to: that feeling of failure after fucking up.

I love the city. The sirens, the restlessness, the congestion, the chaos, the rhythm... It's inspiring. I don't just love it... I need it.

Yeah, keep dreamin', kid.

Oh how I wish I were a pretty pretty pony.

tim doesn't go drinking often, new york, chris

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