Christmas Eve joy and awesomeness!!!

Dec 24, 2009 13:30

Kind of embarassed that I haven't posted here since returning from land of the English... I suppose I've had my time filled up with sleeping and eating and sitting about and having emotional breakdowns. Whee!

But as it is Christmas Eve I figured I should register how disappointed I am that Christmas is happening so soon :(. Honestly, I could do another week of anticipation at least. But on the plus side, Doctor Who THE END OF TIME, PART 1 is tomorrow, and I have waited quite long enough for that thankyou very much.

And the other plus side: EPIC SNOW!! The first in years and year :D. I'm loving it. I'm aching all over from all the copious sledging, but it's totally worth it-- I'm tempted to take sis and try and shake her out of being such a grown-up :).

But anyway, might update again later tonight, but at the moment I NEED to go and watch The Snowman and then The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, so that should keep me occupied for most of the afternoon.

Edit: Can't be arsed with par-tay tonight :(. Think I overestimated my ability to wear bright red dress :(. Think I might plead illness. Except... no.

The Snowman was perfect and wonderous as always, so that at least cheered me up, and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was similarly awesome-- dad even managed to make himself scarce for the duration so we could enjoy it with minimal stress :). 
Which is more than I can say for DW tomorrow. I don't know if there's any way I can sit through it with dad in the same room; he will steal my joy :(.

Also: it's snowing again :D. Yipee!!!


the snowman, epic snow, narnia, doctor who, the end of time part 1, sledging, christmas

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