Scary Monsters (at the BBC)

Nov 18, 2009 20:14

Slogan of the day:

Northern Rail: Connecting the North (in a half-hearted, 'you don't really want to go there do you? kind of way)


Although, with an unexpected stroke of fortune, the train to Manchester Airport before mine was delayed, so it actually arrived just before my usual 9.26am, the upshot being I now have forty minutes in Starbucks snuggling up to a Tchai Tea Latte before work starts. Yay :). I've justified said latte to myself by remembering I won't be buying lunch today. It about evens out... I might have to subsist on school dinner food instead :O.

I'm also enjoying a re-listen to Bowie's 'Scary Monsters (and super creeps)' album, because it's just awesome. It really is. Andy told me today that she actually met David Bowie at the BBC. I had a kind of out-of-body fangirl moment :).

I need to spend some time tonight writing H's POV for the Jellybabies scene. Quite difficult to write convincingly for someone who's basically a bi-polar megalomaniac-- but L's pretty much comatose by this point, so I really get a hook into H to drive the scene forward. I need to resolve: how many questions are asked in this scene? Expositional dialogue always slows down the pace, but as much as it is protested that L knows, there would definately be some direct challenging.

I'm currently watching Waters of Mars for the second time, but this time with added commentry goodness from DT, JG and RTD :). RTD has an evil laugh that matches even John Simm's. I'm quite impressed. I think my evil laugh needs more work...


jellybabies, waters of mars, rtd, northern rail, bbc manchester journal, bowie

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