Stopping the Traffick

May 21, 2013 22:56

Hi guys;

Bit of a different entry this time. it's been a  while since I've put personal stuff here, but It's something I'm really excited about so: yeah!

I'm going to India this August with this amazing charity called Stop The Traffik. I've supported them for a long time. As you can guess from the name, they're all about stopping the horrific trade in human beings around the world.

I'm going to India to meet with a bunch of charities doing work out there: some in the slums of Mumbai, doing educational and prevention programs with kids, and looking after families that have been torn apart; some in the red light district of that city, teaching the working girls there new, practical skills that might help them find new employment and give them back a sense of self-worth; we're travelling across the country to Bangalore to see the villages that have been ransacked by traffickers, and meet with victims of trafficking and hear their stories face to face.

Why am I going? It's a cause I've wanted to get involved with for a long time. It's horrific that slavery exists in the 21st century: that people can be bought and sold for sex, or servitude, or for labour, for their organs or into the army. Did you know the average age of trafficking victim is just 12 years old?

I know there won't be much I can physically do to help these charities and the people I meet while I'm out in India. But I guess the idea is that the stories become real to me. I'm a storyteller by nature. When a 'cause' has a face and a name and story, I understand it; it gets to me. And I guess I hope that the experiences I have I can pass on, and they'll affect other people, and together we can make changes.

Anyway. Why am I telling you guys? I guess because I'm excited/terrified. And also, yeah, I'd love your support. I have a Gofundme page ( if you're feeling super generous and wanted to financially give a little bit to my fund (I still need another £800 before the end of June!). But mainly, if you could pray or send good vibes my way or whatever... I AM scared about doing this, but I know it matters and I want to be part of stuff that matters.

If you're interested, I've got another blog specifically about this trip over at if you want to check it out. Hopefully I can update it while I'm out there and keep everyone up to date with what I'm experiencing.

Anyway. I'm skiving work meeting some of the other girls going on the trip tomorrow morning so, eeek!

Thanks for your support guys xxx

india, stop the traffik, life

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