General angsting and avoiding work

Jun 12, 2012 12:18

It's been a long while since I did an actual entry in this journal so I figured: why not while I'm at my desk in work with a massive to-do list and absolutely no access to coffee whatsoever?

RL is kind of whipping my ass at the moment. Not in a sexy way. I'm starting my second year of what was meant to be a one-year contract, and my joy and commitment to this job has just flown out the window. For anyone who doesn't know, I'm the Press officer for the Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds (we were on TV a couple of weeks ago-- if you wanted to watch a really boring and misleading TV show, you might have seen it). And although working in theatre is awesome, working with journalists is kind of soul-destroying. And this town is like living in that murderous little village from Hot Fuzz :(.

I had a sneaky job interview a couple of weeks ago with Scottihs Ballet which would have been perfect to move into (national company/ lots of writing fluffy dance prose/ in the coolest arts venue in Glasgow/ surrounded by hot dancers all day etc) and I thought it went really really well; but, as happens, two days later I got my rejection letter, and I've just had a week or so of being totally afraid of being STUCK HERE FOREVER.

I hate dealing with grown-up problems. They are boring and difficult.

In the 'more entertaining problems' category, you'll have noticed I've jumped into the puckurt 30 day drabble challenge again this June. Why do I do these things? I am not a fast, succinct writer. I have difficulties in writing things under 1000 words. And the problem with the challenge is, of course, my needy self makes a reappearance and all I have to refresh my screen every two minutes after posting to see if anyone's left me comments 'Cos I'm needy and NEED LOVE LIKE AIR. This batch of 30 seems to be way harder than January's. I'm suffering from difficult second album syndrome :(.

Also fic related, thanks to all you lovelies who have been sticking with me through the hard graft of the Reverseverse-- I love it like crazy, but RL is totally overwhelming at the moment, so updates are few and far between. We've only finished two episodes out my planned twelve, so you can see 1)there's still loads more stuff to come, and 2)it might be 2014 before it's ever finished :(. I can just say sorry guys. If anyone is out there desperately waiting on the next part (we're moving into Preggers territory now, just so you know) let me know so I know how much time to plough into it. Remember, I'm just here for your entertainment, and I love hearing what you think of it, so thanks for everyone who leaves me love and comments :D xxx

Oh, and in the most upsetting development of the last month or so... I cancelled my New York trip. I'm still kind of experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, so feel free to send me chocolates and/or alcohol. Especially around Halloween time.

Hope you're all good lovelies. Any news from you all to brighten up my day (or that I can commiserate with)? I'm popping out to get coffee now before I have to work my ass off all afternoon, but rest assure,d LJ will be getting way more attention today than my actual work.

Love xxx

P.S This Bowie icon makes me so happy BTW. Just. Those pants. Yes.

job stuff, real life sucks, theatre royal bse, new york, reverseverse

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