"I can see no way, i can see no way... I'm always dragging that horse around"

Feb 17, 2012 19:28

Hmmm. My life is pretty much full of work at the moment and so continues to be THE LEAST EXCITING. However *chomps another breadstick* I shall update anyhow.

New show Stagefright opened last week. It's a bit meh, which is disappointing, 'cos funny/scary Victorian ghost story with Henry Irving and Bram Stoker locked in a dressing room together with a ghost and their EPIC BROMANCE had masses of potential, and I'm sad that it didn't play out better. But anyways. Critics said nice things and it closes in a week so I can move on and stop being disappointed :(.

*Chomps another breadstick*.

I've worked at least three 13 hour days this week so, because I am an old person, I am knackered. However, i did get two nights at the pub and one night with unexpected cake, so the week has kind of evened itself out. Tomorrow I have plans to see the Artist, (which I hope lives up to the hype as I can't take much more arts-related disappointment this week) and also visit this epic hipster cafe in Cambridge (called The Rainbow Cafe. No seriously) so I can chill out for the afternoon and pretend to be conversant in the underground arts scene while eating Jamaican entrées and vegan cheesecake surrounded by dolphins and fairylights.

*chomps half a breadstick in one go*

Have been back on the job hunt, because my boss has decided he wants to keep me and that's kind of terrifying. I feel as if I don't escape this hell-village soon I might never be able to. It's gone all Hotel California in here :(. However, there seem to be NO JOBS IN THE WORLD so I may have to just concede to a life of frustration and mediocrity and horse-riding. I don't know if I can do press for another year. PR just seems so pointless, and my post-adolescent idealistic phase definitely hasn't subsided enough for me to lapse easily into becoming a soulless automaton. I WANT TO MAKE MY MARK IN THE WORLD DAMMIT! I WANT TO CHANGE LIVES AND DO GOOD AND FIGHT FOR WORLD PEACE AND FREEDOM AND EQUALITY AND ALL THESE OTHER PRETTY THINGS ETC ETC.

*chomps breadstick*

Anyway, for now, I'm just going to to try and write some Reverseverse and eat things that aren't chocolate, for it is friday and I have small aims this evening. And also, in case you haven't noticed, a giant box of breadsticks.


theatre, breadsticks, life

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