Da da, da da, da da da da

Jun 18, 2011 01:04

 Drunken entries are the BEST. Well, maybe not. But. Y'know.

I was at a wedding today. It was a couple of very good friends and it was wonderful. Very wonderful. Although it did make me wonder if I will ever love another person enough to declare my love in front of church full of my best friends. That Counting Crows lyric: If you don't wanna talk about it then/it isn't love It's like a mantra for me and my disastrous romantic interests.
 This is taking so long to type btw.

And of course I made an ass of myself tonight, what with the whole going to Suffolk thing. Everytime someone left the party I was all: don't go!  I'll never see you again!  You're my bestest friend ever, wahhhh!! *cling*. It was embarrassing. And then the obligatory cry-in-the-toilets part of the evening. I will be well mortified on Sunday.

Oh I am so not coherant :(

And I have to go to work tomorrow. At 7.30am. *headesk*


life sux, wedding season

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