Give thanks and praise to the Lord, and I will feel all right...

Mar 20, 2011 00:13

 Ok. So. Yeah: another awesome Bowie icon :). I want to build a whole collection :D.

In other news. Week of hell continues, but I have managed to turn it to my advantage by getting free mochas from boys who don't understand female hormonal difficulties. I count that as a win. 
On the downside, yesterday was one of those days where I know it's just my hormonally imbalanced brain, but everything in my life just seemed to suck. There were BIG TEARS with actual FOOT STOMPING. It was embarrassing. 
I did manage to go out for a decent head-clearing walk in the almost-sunshine though, which was liberating. At least until I got home and found out some other shit I really didn't need to know about my father, and then the rain started pelting down, and I was all: thanks God, your special effects make all of this feel much more significant.

Wow. My sentences are running on a bit aren't they? I have been drinking a little, but since it tastes of coconut and cranberry, you know it's not srz bzns. Watched Matt Smith in Christopher and His Kind and it was really a lot less scandalous than I wanted it to be. No shots of Matt Smith's arse either. It's a shame: I wanted to start tagging my Twitter posts with #mattsmithsarse instead of kohl_rimmed_eye 's ever-popular  #mattsmithsface.

Imogen Poots (is that her name??) was good though. I now want lots of awesome late 1930s hats and a posh accent (I am fairly certain which one of those will be easier to achieve). I'm also resurrecting my green glitter nail-varnish. 'Cos my hormone addled brain says that would be cool.

Man, I sound a bit wasted. I AM NOT. I'm just tired. I stayed up last night to start re-watching Being Human from the beginning. Forgot how entirely brilliant Russell Tovey is at all acting ever. And also, Aiden Turner and his man-gloves :). Lots of pretty to stare at.

Right. Going to go write drunk!fic now, because I always manage to write really good angsty, drunk POVs when I'm a bit tipsy, and I have a couple of appropriate prompts sitting in my inbox.

Love xxx

babbling, fic, not drunk, week of hell, bowie

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