Nov 23, 2010 21:03

My job is awesome :).

I know I was kind of all moany and lethargic last time I mentioned it but turns out, Waterstones is the shiz.

I don't really know why. I mean, I've worked in retail before and it generally makes me want to perform my own dental work in an excuse to not be there, but Waterstones Sauchiehall St is lovely. We have FIVE levels. We have an ATRIUM. We have BOOK EVENTS and, and the moment, WE HAVE FAIRYLIGHTS. Win win win.

Plus, yeah, we have, like, a gazillion books. And they are so pretty. I literally spend my days staring in wonder at books and occasionally sniffing them for that awesome new book smell. And all my colleagues are super nice and friendly and nerdy and I work with other people who actually like Doctor Who and share my disdain for Dan Brown.

All in all, Christmas temp job= AWESOME.

One minor downside may be tomorrow night, when I'm doing an overnight at Argyle Street. This would not actually bother me, if I wasn't getting up at 8.30am to ensure my purchase of certain Glee Live tickets (!) then spending my afternoon watching Harry Potter. But as it is, I am doing these things and so come 10pm I am probably going to be unconscious *sigh*.

In other news, saw a beyond cool production of The Curse of the Demeter onboard the Tall Ship last week and it reaffirmed my love of site-specific theatre. Plus, I'm totally in awe when two actors manage to bring a whole cast of ten or so to llife. Man, I wish I could act. It wasn't terrifying either, which I was glad about-- 'cos I can't deal with anything scary AT ALL-- but just  kind of pleasantly unnerving.

Oh, and have managed yet another week of not buying new shoes, even though I wandered gaily into Schu last week and had a fabulous conversation with the beyond beautiful man who worked there about their completely pointless but stunning range of going-out heels APPLAUD MY SELF-CONTROL.

Also, I have so many amazing icons I need to seriously rearrange so I can show them off without actually paying for the privilege...


In other news

my job rocks, shoe fail, the curse of the demeter, glee live, waterstones, theatre rocks my socks

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