"You lot. Back here. now."

Jul 07, 2010 00:32

Re-watching The End of Time Pt 2 and The Eleventh Hour for the first time in like months and months; just because my day has been that crappy. So you should just expect a big flurry of Twitter-less tweets to follow because, Breaking News: these eps are still awesome.

Forgot how sexy John Simm's Master voice is. No wonder he hypnotised a planet:
"Hush now; and listen to your Master."
Guh. Uh. Ok :).

These two have like the most undeniable UST of any pair of traditionally asexual Time Lords ever.

Omygoodness the BRAINY SPECS!! How I've missed them!!

He's so human. David Tennant's eyes oh my gosh: it's like you can see straight into his poor tortured angsty Time Lord soul...

"...You have asteroid lasers-AH!!" oh DT and your extended vowel sounds...

The music in this is indescribably wonderful... Where is my CD Mr Gold?! *runs off to check Amazon yet again*


"I hate yoghurt. It's just stuff with bits in."

"Box falls out of the sky, man falls out of a box, man eats fish custard." That is the whole plot of the ep right there.

"I'm the doctor; I'm worse than everybody's aunt. and that is not how I'm introducing myself..."

The BOW TIE!!! Yay :).


It's kind of sad that that two hours just there were by far the best part of my day. But stil, not that sad, 'cos both David Tennant and Matt Smith were involved, and surely that's enough to cheer anyone up?

Speaking  of double Doctors-- I relocated my free DW Christmas poster that is literally half Tennant half Smith, and it's now pinned up on my wall so I can gaze at it vacantly whenever I want some handsome, ridiculously expressive alien man to whisk me off in a time machine. Which, tbh, is pretty much all the time for me.

Yay, DW, you win.

P.S. Still no sign of the CD, although I really, really need to buy a new sonic screwdriver.

dw, the eleventh hour, david tennant, the end of time, matt smith, john simm

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