Yeah, it's been about FOREVER since I last updated, which is rubbish. I apologise profusely :(. My laptop had a hissy fit just in time for the new seasons of Doctor Who and Ashes to Ashes. The internet is my Kryptonite.
Anyhoo, thoughts:
What the HELL is going on in Ashes to Ashes??! I mean, I love high-concept drama as much as the next unemployed undergraduate, but the line for TOO FAR was passed some time ago. I can't deal with the idea that Gene might have killed Sam, or that Sam might actually be that gibbering wreck we saw in Ep 6 (although Kudos to Kudos for finding an inventive way to cover John Simm's absence). To be honest, i even have a problem with them destroying the whole LoM 'coma-dream' paradigm, because it just undermines everything that happened in those two glorious seasons worth. I admit, I am curious about how it all ends, but it's so painful to my LoM obsession that I think I'd rather sit at home and read the script than actually watch it.
I'm pinning my hopes on the fact the writers know how loved their characters are: Gene Hunt especially; and they worked so hard to develop Gene and Sam's relationship that surely they wouldn't take the risk of viewer backlash by utterly negating that and making Gene responsible for Sam's death? Besides, they've spent the whole series suggesting that Gene killed Sam-- it would make a mockery of all the rules of good drama if that actually turned out to be true.
It also annoys me how little time we spend with Alex. That was one of the more successful aspects of LoM: because Sam was in every scene, it had to be from his perspective, and so the audience became far more emotionally involved in his journey throughout the episodes. Ashes to Ashes has never embraced this: from the beginning we've spent time with the secondary characters apart from Alex's presence, which I think dulls the drama of Alex's situation. It becomes less a drama of uncertainty and madness, and more a straightforward time-travel romp. Because time-travel is totally a straightforward concept. However, this might be a deliberate decision for the development of the story. I guess we'll see in two week's time.
Still holding out for Annie's return though. I miss her so much :(. And hey, if there's anyone who would have the inside story on Sam's disapearance, surely the missus would be the person to ask?
If the fabled Tyler himself makes an appearance, I might just die of joy :D.
I'm not sure what to make of new Who. It's been getting mixed reviews and it seems Matt Smith is a Marmite kind of Doctor. For one, I really like him. Like, really :). I heard one critic say this week that he has all the sex appeal of a floor mop, but due to my squee for all men who have a tendency to dress like lunatics and make all sorts of magical facial expressions with added jazz hands, I might be kind of mesmerised by him.
His Doctor is fresh and exciting: he has all the energy of David Tennant, but he is so much more alien-- fish custard anyone? I really like it :); and I don't think I've heard him say 'I'm so sorry' once, which is wonderful; and when his companion jumped on him, he actually pushed her away, totally bemused. What a change from DT's UST with absolutely everyone in the universe. Stephen Moffatt has done a great job of injecting some classic Who back into the new formula and Matt Smith really is just perfect for the new super-bonkers Time Lord.
Amy on the other hand, I have a few issues with. First of all, obviously, if she could stop looking so perfect all the time it would make me feel a hell of a lot more secure. Secondly, though: she is a bit up herself. I don't mind a bit of attitude, but honestly, you're travelling with a Time-Lord-- stop taking the piss. He's an Oncoming Storm right there missy and your twelve years of therepy have nothing on him. But I can see what SM's trying to do with her, and I forsee a lot of character development as the series continues, so I'm trying to hold back my judgement till then. It is nice having a Scottish accent on screen though :).
Oddly enough, my main gripe with the new series is the storylines. I didn't expect this to be a problem, what with his holiness Mr Moffatt in charge, but so far the only story I've really engaged with is The Eleventh Hour. The rest of them I've really just been hypnotised by Matt and his exciting hand gestures. Maybe I'll integrate more when I watch them back and can actually concentrate. Having the parentals in the room does kind of quell my Who-squeeing.
Saying all this, the episode next week is Amy's Choice, which looks super creepy and awesome, so I'm gonna cross my fingers and hope for joy on all fronts.
Yeah, I rediscovered Glee, which is vying with DW for my favourite programme of the year so far. Actually, Glee is far more consistently satisfying, although, yeah, sometimes it does leave that sugery American aftertaste.
Ok, it's pure feelgood television, but (wonderfully) it's not shallow. The characters are engagingly screwed up (Quinn lying about the father of her baby; Puck the original Unashamed Bastard; Tina lying about her stutter; Artie's mysoginist leanings; Mr Schue's tendency to sleep with all the women yet keep lecturing the kids on commitment and respect; Kurt's shameless sabotage of the Finn/Quinn/Rachel triangle; Sue Sylvester ('nuff said). There's also an endearing lack of happy endings: Will and Emma aren't happy; Finn and Rachel not working despite everything; Kurt being so hurt by his father's disengagement; Puck blatantly ling to Quinn. You can really get a sense of how dark the original pitch could have been.
To be honest, if the crew could just teach the kids how to mime with any kind of authenticity, I'd be hard-pushed to find any flaw in the show at all :).
The highpoint, of course, is Chris Colfer as Kurt Hummel: Mayor of Gay Town. Honestly, I love him, he's so fantastically entertaining :). As if the endless supply of below-the-knee sweaters wasn't fab enough, there's also the endless supply of bitchy one-liners: ("Make-overs are like crack to me" being a particular favourite). But we all know the attitude only covers a multitude of insecurities, and honestly, I get massively dehydrated crying along with the adorable kid every episode. Needless to say, Kurtcedes friendlove ROCKS MY WORLD.
Ok, that's enough babbling for now, though I do want to start writing reviews again... I have masses to say about DW and A2A, not to mention a long overdue look at the weirdly satisfying romp that was Queer as Folk 2. Also, I've recently dug out my collection of Shaman King videos :D. How hilarious! I'm so enjoying the complete campness of the thing and remembering how much I ship Len/everyone else. Wishing really hard that the uncut DVDs would make a reappearance, 'cos they were such an improvement on the original English dub, but alas: discontinued :(. I'll just have to rewatch all my subbed Japanese ones again instead and trawl Devantart for some mildly inappropriate fanart. This being unemployed thing is tough, dude ;).
love yas