"Just remember one thing: you're fantastic."

Feb 11, 2010 13:42

Turns out I was totally and completely CORRECT about episode 4 of QaF so, y'know... go me, and all that stuff :).

Vince (predictably) was the only person to show an ounce or so of reflection upon the death of one of his mates, even though said mate had posthumously forced him to stand up in front of the congregation at his funeral and read the lyrics of D.I.S.C.O with a straight face. This ep is probably the first with any kind of 'gay issues' subtext, and I really liked the scene where Phil's mum was asking Vince whether her son would have died the way he did if he'd been straight. Eek, um... no comeback. Poor Vince. He had a really crappy time this ep actually, trying to force Stuart to take some responsibility for his fuck-ups (i.e. Nathan Maloney), not to mention dealing with said Nathan Maloney deciding to stage a sit-in at Vince's mum's house after his mum unceremoniously outs him while giving him a driving lesson (good timing, ma). I think Poor Vince might actually be he subtitle for the entire series.
I loved his walk away at the end of the ep though. Good on him :). The defiance didn't last long, but it was nice to see.

Also, had a giggle when I realised the guy playing Vince's soon-to-be boyfriend is that same Australian guy from Waters of Mars that mum fancies :). Hee hee.

Stuart was even more of a twat than predicted, actually. Picking men up during the funeral service. Not unpredictable by now, of course, but still kind of entirely repellant.
I'd give him a few props for resisting shagging said man and instead going round to Phil's house and clearing out his porn stash before his mum found it, but that's a fairly tiny gesture next to all the utter bastard-ness that he gets up to. I kind of like how he acts like such a sulky wee kid though, especially when faced with Nathan's continued stalking antics. He has absolutely no clue how to deal with consequences. Or responsibility. That kind of makes me happy.

Oh, and Nathan is turning into manipulative twat number two, which is kind of funny actually, and vastly preferable to the perhaps more predictable 'innocent victim' character development they could have gone with.

I've watched ep 5 as well (the one that seems to have skipped forward like a month or so and has Nathan with a new haircut) but I'll get round to classifying my thoughts on that later on once I've stopped laughing at how much Doctor Who RTD has managed to squeeze into a show that is in no way to do with retro sci-fi: "Oh my god, you have Genesis of the Daleks!!!" :D :D.

In other (real life) news, I'm now a vastly unpaid Script Reader for Shed Media Scotland which is pretty cool, despite the entire lack of cash thing. Also, after my second visit to the Job Centre this week I realised it isn't that all the people who go to the Job Centre are naturally brain-dead petulant teenagers, but it's the utterly, utterly patronising way the Job Centre folk do anything that makes us like that. I like that revelation: it gives me something to fight against :D


shed media, queer as folk, rtd, doctor who, tv awesomeness

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