
Oct 26, 2009 15:46

*I had three cavities filled this morning. Now my jaw hurts and I'm not sure if it's the teeth that were worked on or my jaw from being open so long (I had my teeth cleaned after the cavities were filled). If it's not better tomorrow I'll call the dentist. Oh, and my gums look terrible and the hygienist was muttering about losing teeth at a young age. Gee, thanks.

*Rowan is sitting in her bouncy seat spitting up endlessly but happily. Soon I'll take her upstairs and find her something dry to wear. I'm already on my second shirt of the day. And yet this is still better than Rowan-pre-Zantac. At least, she's happier.

*Bear has much more patience with Rowan when she *does* have a fussy time now that they are few and far between. He'll hold her and talk to her and actually try to soothe her. Yesterday she did have a screamy period and I sat with her and thought, This used to be *every* night. Holy smoke.

*I made another pot of soup yesterday. It's in the fridge and we'll probably eat some for dinner.

*I also made an Apple Cobbler yesterday. We might have eaten all of it by bedtime. But I wouldn't admit to such a thing in public. ;) ETA: You may only need 1/2 cup sugar, total, in the filling.

*Bear has the flu. His temp has gone from 99 to 102 today and this is with Advil. He'd already taken today off so I could go to the dentist. I had him call his boss to let him know he won't be in tomorrow, either. He's back in bed. (I don't think he would have gotten up at all except he had to to watch Rowan for me this morning.)

*I took Rowan upstairs at 11 p.m. yesterday and she proceeded to nurse for two straight hours while I read a book and lost track of time. It only occurred to me to check the clock when I'd read 125 pages and my nipple was sore. So much for, I'll just nurse you till you're content and then I can get ready for bed.

*This morning before I left for the dentist I hand-expressed about 1.5 oz. of milk into our one bottle. Rowan didn't need it (I was only gone 1.5 hours) so I stuck it in the fridge. I want to go to a book club meeting tomorrow night sans baby but I'm nervous. Last time Bear tried to give the bottle, Rowan was screaming hysterically by the time I got home. It was Not Good.

*We need groceries. I also need to take an appetizer to the book club meeting. All creamy dips are out. :( Maybe I'll make deviled eggs. In which case we probably need eggs.

*I'm going to take Rowan upstairs (she's starting to fuss) and maybe we'll go back to bed, too.

fruit desserts, links, rowan, recipes

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