Trying to play catch-up is a pain in the ass. I opened up
Bloglines and had 992 entries to read. It'll take me a week! I'm also trying to get back to reading all my friends' entries. I haven't really been on the computer for the better part of a month. How can I keep up my g33k tag if I'm not playing around on the PC? Okay, I've been on it at work, but that's, you know, work. Speaking of that, it's been rather hectic. We have an inspection coming in the next week, and people have just lost their damned minds. Ugh.
To counter all of that, I've been catching up on my Season DVDs, (Supernatural, Lost season 2, Veronica Mars season 2, etc) chick flicks, and reading. I think I've gone through about 20 books in the past four weeks. My friend Keisha and I have been hanging out quite a bit. Well, ever since she arrived in Bahrain. Last weekend was the first one we didn't hang out, and it was strange. I know I should have used that time to start the catch-up game, but instead I slept and did laundry.
So let me apologize for being so remiss and not being around and making comments and such. I miss you guys.
Now I think I might just change my LJ stuff. Just like old times.