your mom does the twist.

Jun 25, 2005 02:14

I think I'm dead.
It was SO HOT outside tonight. Seriously.
Dancing for two hours in heels with a heat index of 95 degrees = DEATH.
Will give a detailed report of the sockhop tomorrow, but in short...
-Kay and I had a great time, like we do every year
-the guy from the newspaper took our photo with Mike Harvey like eighty times--he did it last year and the year before, too, so we'll hoping maybe this year we'll actually be IN the paper
-as usual, we got hit on by the assortment of crackheads and generally gross people there
-Mike randomly played the Cha-Cha Slide, which was just odd
-we ran into STEVE at Denny's!

Oh, I almost forgot...
Quote of the Night:
"I hate the Freedom Festival. It's just white trash on cocaine." - Steve

Good freaking night.
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