
Mar 14, 2010 19:53

My exams are over and i have all the time in the world to be online!
0(^__^ )0

Actually,there's just soo many things that's going on right now,i don't know where to start.
Firstly,i'm deleting all my other previous post about school.I've actually created a blog,personally to write about my personal things.But unfortunately,i couldnt remember the password days after using it,so it ended up being abandoned,for now.^^,

I've been tweeting alot.In fact,i'm in love with TWITTER.Maral & Joanna are also there,which makes it alot easier to talk to them everywhere i go.Yesterday we had our first chat,or maybe it's just my 1st time chatting with them via twitter.I missed talking to people soo much till i missed my bedtime.Twitter also helps me know what the other idol singers are thinking or doing.I'm positive that i'm following the right UKiss's twitters for Kevin, Eli & Xander.I'm also following Xander's father,who is known as Uncle A.Maral is close to him.It was through him that i found her.Well he never know anyway.^^
Then through Zirah,i found Lisa,Jo & many more.

Screw the problems that i faced in school.I'm just waiting for my results,endure another year and leave.

Problems are always the same.There's no family spirit.Sometimes i feel like i'm from a broken family.I can't remember the last time the family dines out together.Ayah selalu mementingkan diri & keluarganya.Mak selalu suka cakap tentang perkara yang sama.Every month without fail,they will bicker at each other.Then weeks or months later,they'll get back, then bicker again.I know it's a common thing for a marriage but i think things are getting a lil bit too far.Itu sebab Haizad buat perkara itu.Hoping to knock some sense into you both, and start thinking about the family's future instead.I know i'm not smart,not even close.So whatever i said or pointed out,is not given any furthur thought.Maybe i should just wait till i'm old enough to move out and lead my own life.At least by then, i will know if i've made the right choices in life.

Today i've just finished watching DragonBall Evolution.It's a fun movie,only if you know the storyline.I learnt about it through the psp game.I got soo interested at the ending of the story.(because i'm not pro enough so i've yet to finish the game)
My scedule for the holidays are pretty much dry.I don't have plans.I felt that i'm missing something and that everyone had their own plans,even if they really don't.So i should start to get myself busy now.

Oh btw!

Shinee is in SG!
But i'm unable to see them,again.Fortunately, the $ is pretty reasonable but,no peeps to accompany me.
What a shame.Maybe i should start to draw a line between fandom & reality.Can't keep getting soo into the fandom world.
I'm 19 this year!*knock knock*

I'll settle for a on-screen autograph.T^T

I want to do some online shopping.
The clothes people get from the net can be really nice.
And i get time to browse through things without the fear
of someone watching me - those annoying salespersons.
Anyone can reccomend me a great blogshop?

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