Hi dear 8D quicker than that youknowwho this time ;D I snub her post u_u Love you more 8D And don't like how she just...copied your idea.
Okaaaaaaaaaaay xD This is SO NWP2 ..I mean Maki, Yamapi, Kame ?
O______________O I WANT TO BELIEVE IN IT! / Kame vampire in NMP came to my mind IMMEDIATLY XD/ Kame would be PERFECT for Kaname.
I want this drama! xD Either with Matsujun or Yamapi as Zero /
Matsujun and Kame are my two ichibans of ALL Js! ....And I'm a pikame die hard fan (as much as Akame 8D)
... This would feel like my own fantasm on tv * get bricked. Violently*
I would even accept anyone as Yuuki, even Maki (though she seems to plays less and elss well :/ She really was bad in Oohku...Too bad cause I like her -___-' but she was...Awful in it, seriously)
hi bb~ lol. didn't post this on any comm, just on my facebook fanpage 8D i still get annoyed but let her be. she can't think of anything to do so maybe copying others will do. *throws brick at youknowho* *evil laugh*
kaay. let's get back to business ;P
ME TOO! I FREAKIN WANT THIS TO BE TRUE. Kame as Kaname is just pure.... orgasm? LOL XD It would be fun if jin will play zero 8D *akame*akame*akame* XD (yuuki will be taken out because the story will run as M-to-M) hahaha. okay, that's what you get when you lack sleep. XD
Btw, my friend told me about a girl O_O who changed Ryo's wikipedia's page and added "married to " (and added her real name !)...In the Japanese, english AND French Wiki page.
XDDD She should have written something funnier such as ..." Ryo married to Yamapi" (I'm not really a Ryopi fan, but LOT of people are 8D XD) or "Shige's fiancee" xDDD
i know! i was having a hard time logging in too :/
haha. i was surprised too. my reaction was "johnny allowed him to have an account? O.o" or maybe johnny doesn't know about it which is impossible, LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE.
you've been my stalker for months and i'm proud. lol <3 you should have read it to inspire you to do your home work. civil law. bleh. are you a on college or high school?
awww. *gives you tissue rolls & medicines* get well soon bb~
can't wait for the white performance! i'm excited to see it :D nino can't take his hands off kame, that's how irresistible kame is <3 hahaha
( ... )
YEAH I have Facebook 8D And twitter xD I wouldn't advise you to add me on twitter as I speak mainly french and it's not that interesting u_u/will probably just spam your page with some weird debate I have with a friend " If Takaki is Akame's lovechil, then who got pregnant?" but FB FTW 8S I'm less weird other there 8D Or at least, slightly less
( ... )
let's do the adding on both sites. i don't mind, would you? :D i would love to join your debate about takaki. lol. though i wouldn't understand anything you'd be saying coz it's on french XD
i'm quite used to it. bash me all they want, i'm starting to not care XD
hate meme dedicated to all those false fans who once were into JPOP and switch to KPOP and are BASHING JPOP THIS! SHOULD BE STARTED LONG AGO. LOL XD I hate how k-pop fans suddenly appeared anywhere you look and starts bashing J-POP. I'm a k-pop & j-pop fan that's why i don't understand why there should be bashing on both sides. it's just too weird XD
no offense but your friends are stupid XD don't you have the right to say anything you want? duh. if they can do the bashing on JE then you have ALL the right to do the same. :D
i know je_secrets but i didn't dare join. XD that comm is a chaos! XD
Most people wonder what fandom I am, as I have a HP icon, it feels like "Uh O_O what the heck is she doing here ?"i have something similar to that XD my icons are mostly kame, jin
( ... )
I know right ? I'm more into JPOP and JE, but I also listen to some KPOP songs... I don't get why everyone is making comparision as its crystal clear that they are NOT doing the same things...JE is an Entertainment agency. They are entertainer more than singer or dancer. Kpop is more like US bands...They don't want entertainers they only want a singer or dancer. Don't know if I'm clar ? XD Even in girlsband the way they appeal and act ==> Japanese idol are more for the cute songs and looks, while Koreans are more "womenly" I would say, more sexy...But that's also because that how Japanese girls tend to act. Lots of them try to be cute, not sexy really
( ... )
Okaaaaaaaaaaay xD This is SO NWP2 ..I mean Maki, Yamapi, Kame ?
O______________O I WANT TO BELIEVE IN IT! / Kame vampire in NMP came to my mind IMMEDIATLY XD/ Kame would be PERFECT for Kaname.
I want this drama! xD Either with Matsujun or Yamapi as Zero /
Matsujun and Kame are my two ichibans of ALL Js! ....And I'm a pikame die hard fan (as much as Akame 8D)
... This would feel like my own fantasm on tv * get bricked. Violently*
I would even accept anyone as Yuuki, even Maki (though she seems to plays less and elss well :/ She really was bad in Oohku...Too bad cause I like her -___-' but she was...Awful in it, seriously)
lol. didn't post this on any comm, just on my facebook fanpage 8D i still get annoyed but let her be. she can't think of anything to do so maybe copying others will do. *throws brick at youknowho* *evil laugh*
kaay. let's get back to business ;P
ME TOO! I FREAKIN WANT THIS TO BE TRUE. Kame as Kaname is just pure.... orgasm? LOL XD
It would be fun if jin will play zero 8D *akame*akame*akame* XD (yuuki will be taken out because the story will run as M-to-M) hahaha. okay, that's what you get when you lack sleep. XD
i miss you bb~ hope everyhting alright!
ILU <3
Oh dear XD !
well, fangirls can be delusional sometimes XD
XDDD She should have written something funnier such as ..." Ryo married to Yamapi" (I'm not really a Ryopi fan, but LOT of people are 8D XD) or "Shige's fiancee" xDDD
ryo's married to ueda would be fine :D or any m-to-m pairing would do. hahaha :D
Oh I added you too :D
haha. i was surprised too. my reaction was "johnny allowed him to have an account? O.o" or maybe johnny doesn't know about it which is impossible, LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE.
you've been my stalker for months and i'm proud. lol <3 you should have read it to inspire you to do your home work. civil law. bleh. are you a on college or high school?
awww. *gives you tissue rolls & medicines* get well soon bb~
can't wait for the white performance! i'm excited to see it :D nino can't take his hands off kame, that's how irresistible kame is <3 hahaha ( ... )
i'm quite used to it. bash me all they want, i'm starting to not care XD
hate meme dedicated to all those false fans who once were into JPOP and switch to KPOP and are BASHING JPOP
THIS! SHOULD BE STARTED LONG AGO. LOL XD I hate how k-pop fans suddenly appeared anywhere you look and starts bashing J-POP. I'm a k-pop & j-pop fan that's why i don't understand why there should be bashing on both sides. it's just too weird XD
no offense but your friends are stupid XD don't you have the right to say anything you want? duh. if they can do the bashing on JE then you have ALL the right to do the same. :D
i know je_secrets but i didn't dare join. XD that comm is a chaos! XD
Most people wonder what fandom I am, as I have a HP icon, it feels like "Uh O_O what the heck is she doing here ?"i have something similar to that XD my icons are mostly kame, jin ( ... )
i understand what you're trying to point out and it's true! :D no point comparing both coz they are totally different from each other!
really? what about that? let's fight them off. lol :D
i know. what icons are big deals now? XD
koyashige it is. haha. NEWS much? :D you're awesome! XD
good luck. you can do it bb~ i'm a 2nd year uni student too :D
YEAH NewS xD I love them ^^ 8D Seems you do to. Fav in the band ? ^^
Thanks xD Anyway, I have too xD... Ooooh what are you studying ? * curious, curious*
i'm actually a nursing student ^^ compared to you, my course is not that great. lol :D
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