Things you should know about me:
Hello there *waves* :)My real name is joan but they call me j-chan in my facebook page.
I'm a fan of j-pop and it's all because of Johnny's Entertainment. I listen to some k-pop bands too :)
**I breathe Kamenashi Kazuya.
**I support Akanishi Jin.
**KAT-TUN is my fandom.
**NEWS is my second favorite group.
**Certified Akame shipper
**I watch a lot of j-dramas and i read fanfictions too :D
**I'm not that much on other JE groups but i do listen to their songs and i try to keep myself updated.
Things you should know about this journal:
**i made this journal for posting updates about our JE boys :D
**i do post some random stuffs in here.
**i could spam your f-page. literally.
**my rants and own thoughts are f-locked of course :)
**leaving comments are very much appreciated by me tho i have to say sorry in advance if i can't reply to you all.
In regards to adding this journal and you want me to add you back:
**please do comment on my posts, i will really appreciate it. :)
**i hope we have some common interests so that we'll have something to talk about and flail about it XD
**you can just simply leave a comment here and let's talk about it, kaay?
PS: do send me a private message since i rarely add back if you just added me without any hi or hello. :D
ja~ i guess i'll stop here :D
be looking forward to meeting you guys~
Graphics credit to
kawaiikameKame gif taken from uncalm @ tumblr