Title: Jaded By You
Pairings: Akame, Kurosawa Akihiko/Ishida Yuya & a brief mention of Akihiko/Anego
Notes: Alternate Universe where Jin is the big boss and Kame is an accomplished but a lowly employee.
Summary: Kame has a crush on Jin’s younger brother Akihiko… or it’s just what Jin thinks... and Kame is getting tired of Jin’s numerous accusations.
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aki to kazu's rescue
jin is such a bully, i'd really kick his ass...
i dun want kazu to miss his baby brother's b-day,
i hope jin would let him go...
i cant help gushing between kazu and shota, lol
haha~ too bad i'm not into RyoKame or i would have written something on them already i'm more of a KameKura addict as you already know~ nyahahahahaha
but you like kamekura? omg, i know kimura's really hot but i see him as kame's older brother, lol...
do you happen to have a kamekura fic?
i'll browse your page later.
rofl, no, not Kimura/Kame but Ohkura/Kame *points at icon* i do have KameKura fics... like Tied Together by Revenge and 'Til Death Do Us Part i can't remember if you've read those before though...
hmmmm~ i've actually been craving for a Kimura/Kame fic but i don't think anyone's written that pairing before. i'll try to search for some later *giggles* i'm a shipper of basically ANYONE/Kame *bricked*
i cant believe i mistook kamekura *i was a bit confused earlier cuz i've read your kamekura fic*
ohkura's just fine though
but i kinda feel kimutaku/kazu being ♥♥♥
yes, definitely! i still haven't had the chance to search for a kimikame ficlet because my computer's dead it took a dip in the floods T_T
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