Title: Jaded By You
Pairing: Akame and a brief mention of Akihiko x Anego
Summary: Jin’s the boss and Kame is his’ employee. What happens when circumstances shove them to each other’s direction?
Kame stared unbelievably at his co-workers. Gone were the prim and proper salary men that they were during office hours - everyone was so joyous with the trip sponsored by their company… that the beach turned like a warpath!
“Oi!” Yokoyama shouted at Masuda. “That’s my plate! Why are you eating from it?!”
“I thought you didn’t wanna finish it that’s why I took it! You shouldn’t waste food!” Massu replied and grouched a bit when Yoko hit him softly. He grudgingly returned the plate back to the older man.
Kame shook his head from amusement and turned his attention to Junno who was trying to impress Ueda with his new gag.
“What a boisterous bunch.” Hina commented.
Kame laughed. “Yeah, but it’s a nice distraction because we have a deadline to meet by Friday.” He pouted. “But I’m having a hard time following what’s happening!” he glared affectionately to all the noisy people by the beach. “I though I’d be having a very relaxing weekend! Goodness, they’re like… high school students on their overnight fieldtrip!”
“Well, that’s how they release stress - let them be! Come Monday, they need to be back on their serious modes.” Hina replied. “But I totally agree with you, they’re so noisy! Feel free to go and explore the beach if you want.”
Kame smiled. “A great suggestion!”
“Go!” the older man encouraged. “Before they drag you down to drink until you pass out.” Hina made shooing motions at Kame. “I know how you hate drinking, so go before they notice you.”
Kame laughed and followed Hina’s suggestion. He strolled along the wonderful beach shoreline of Okinawa.
Moments later, he noticed a man walking towards the water. Kame worriedly followed the man, not knowing why he felt the need to do so. The water reached the man’s waist already and although Kame was still meters away from the man, he could distinctly hear the other mutter soft and anguished words.
“It was my fault, Anego! If it weren’t for me… then you would have not died! I deserve to die too!” Kame heard soft sobbing from the man and panicked when he saw the other still walking towards the rising waves… the water line already reaching the man’s shoulders.
‘Oi! Don’t tell me he’s really planning on committing suicide?!” The whole time Kame was thinking of those thoughts, the man’s figure suddenly disappeared from his sight. ‘Shit!’ Kame was panicking more than ever. He dove underwater and searched for the man.
“Kame-chan?” Massu called out from the shore when he saw Kame coming up for air and then diving back again for a few times now. “Is something wrong?!”
Kame came up for air and shouted back at Massu. “Help me!” he gestured for the younger man to hurry up. “There’s this man who drowned awhile ago and I was trying to look for him. Help me find him, quick~!” when he saw Massu stepping in to help, he dove back again, swimming further away from the shore.
Kame felt relief when he saw Massu pointing under the water. It was the man! Albeit, the other was unconscious already.
Massu gestured for Kame to help him carry the unknown man back to the shore.
When the two dragged the unconscious man to the shore, all of their friends came over.
“Is he alright?” Nakamaru questioned.
Kame didn’t answer. Instead, he tried to revive the man.
“I think he just passed out.” Massu replied for Kame.
A sigh of relief escaped from Kame when the man suddenly coughed and slowly opened his eyes.
“Are you okay?” Hina asked worriedly at the man.
The man didn’t answer. Instead, he stared blankly at the person who saved him.
“Where’s your cottage? We’ll take you there.” Subaru offered.
The man shyly pointed to the left.
“Can you stand up?” Kame asked.
The man nodded and stood up and walked slowly to the direction he pointed.
Kame and Subaru worriedly accompanied the man to his cottage.
“We’ll… go now.” Subaru awkwardly said as soon as they reached the man’s rented cottage.
The taller man just nodded as a form of thanks and didn’t say anything else.
“What happened there, Kame-chan?” Subaru asked on their way back.
“I’m not really sure.” Kame answered. “I heard him muttering about deserving to die because of someone…”
“Poor guy… hope he realizes that what he did was wrong.”
“I hope so…” Kame hoped that the man wouldn’t attempt suicide again. ‘At least not when I’m around.’ He thought.
It was already nighttime and everyone forgot the incident with the suicidal man Kame saved, when said person suddenly showed up in front of Kame by the bonfire.
“Uhmm… hi.” The taller man smiled timidly. “Good evening… I just want to say thank you for saving me… I realized that I was wrong in doing that.”
“It was nothing.” Kame said, smiling softly. “Just don’t do it again, okay?”
“Uhhh… sure…” the man turned to walk away.
“Chotto matte!” Kame called out. “Stay!” he ordered softly. “I don’t want you to get anymore ideas! It’s dark and I won't be able to save you if…”
The man softly laughed and turned to Kame. “No, I won't do it again, I promise.”
“The sit here with me.” Kame instructed, patting the space beside him. “My name’s Kamenashi Kazuya by the way.”
“Kurosawa Akihiko.” The man introduced himself and smiled toothily.
Kame grinned back and winked at his newfound friend.
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On to Chapter One -----
A/N: I’ll probably change the summary as soon as the need for it arises… I can't describe what the hell is going to happen so I just settled for this summary (which is not sufficient to describe the whole story *sigh*~)
Oh, and if you noticed, yes, I didn’t advertise the fic on communities where I usually post my updates. Not until I feel this is something worth sharing to the fandom. Initially, I wanted to f-lock this new fic but isa/
isuk18 made me realize that some people maybe interested in reading it so I didn’t~ *hugs isa* So people who read this by chance (people who don’t have me on their f-list, I mean) I’m really surprised you were able to read this~~!
I don’t know what’s wrong with me these days… but I feel incompetent with everything I write. I guess most of my fics are not worth sharing to the world anymore… I don’t know… and most comments on the recent updates are from you guys (my beloved f-list) so it wouldn’t change anything as far as readership is concerned? I don’t know. Sorry, I’m just depressed for some reason. I can’t pinpoint why though. *miserable*