Title: Consequences of Being Late
Pairings: Akame, mentions of KusaPi and KoyaShige
Summary: Jin and Kazuya made a rule - whenever meeting up and one turns up late, said late person becomes the bottom. What happens when an unexpected circumstance presented itself to the pair?
Chapter Nine )
Comments 97
woahh... kame is soooo cheeky in here....^____^
like it sooo much..*huggles*
can't wait for the next chapter... though it will take longer time... but i'll wait for it.... matteru yo..^^
i'm sure i'll find some time in between everything at least i hope i do
thanks for the update=^-^=
about the photo..he's kinda looks like a vampire there.
great! i thought it was just me~~ XD
Heya~ ^^.... T.T I'm kind of depressed... It's stupid but... I found KAT-TUN QoP Limited Edition on e-bay and I wanna get it and my parents allowed me but there's something wrong with my Paypal account and I CAN'T PAY FOR IT. And my Dad only has one credit card and the stupid Paypal is making my life miserable and I just wanna cry because I really wanted the CD... STUPID PAYPAL!!!
I cried a lot... I really wanted it...
BUT anyway, MUSTARD? Urgh, never really liked it... But I can TOLERATE it though. With hot dogs and chili sauce. Haha. Eh, you're moving? Woah, but if you DO disappear, I shall miss you a lot~~
^^ Waiting for the next update... *goes back to her depression for not being able to get QoP LE*
yup~ moving. tomorrow actually. i'm packing up my stuffs and my sister's too because she's at work but we still don't have a new place to stay. we're still gonna check out some places today.
my friend's mom craved DIRT when she was pregnant.
apparently due to a lack of iron in her diet.
my friend is a dirt baby. lol.
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