Goblet of Fire -- spoilers abound

Nov 18, 2005 09:19

Impressions on 4 hours of sleep. I warn you very seriously about NOT clicking on the cuts, UNTIL you have seen this movie. There are some good surprises in the way that they set up the plot and all the details. Entrances of main chracters etc...

I would save this for later, but I'm at work until late. I'm also warning you that this is extremely disjointed, on this caffine and little sleep high.

really, don't click until you've seen the movie or want to be spoiled

  • CREEPY opening scene, SO well done. Wormtail as right hand man.

  • Brenden Gleeson gets huge huge admiration for his take on Mad-eye Moody. The "eye" was SO well done. I was afraid it would be icky or something, but it was just weirdly funny. His mannerisms were just excellent. The *shiverblrrrbbbshiver* eee!
  • OMG! BEST STAGE ENTRANCE EVAR goes to Cedric and Draco. DUDE, you can impress me any day by dropping lightly out of a tree. er, yum.
  • Moaning Myrtle was hilarious in the Prefects bath scene. "It took Cedric ages to figure it out, by then almost all the bubbles had gone *giggle*" hee!
  • likewise, Dan got lots of wolf whistles for that scene, deservedly! he looks much more musclely on film than the stills of that scene.
  • Maggie Smith is so perfect as Minerva. Especially in the Draco the ferret scene-- and AAH! down Goyle? Crabb's pants? whoa.
  • I really like the modern touches, even the use of composition books instead of scrolls for Snape's essay.

  • Likewise, seeing the kids rocking out to the un-named band at the Yule Ball was great. They are kids! The books are set in the 1990's! It felt real, and something all the kids in the theater could relate to directly.

  • Hermione's guilty dreamy look about Krum ... "we don't really talk much. Erm, he's more of a physical kind of person." and Harry's oh! look was so cute.
  • Likewise, even though Dan can't quite bring up the "aaaguh painfulness" reaction, he's got the "oooh, I'm in love" look down great re: Cho Chang (who has the cutest accent ever!). Everyone cracked up in the theater.
  • Neville! got as much screentime as Cedric and Krum! Awesome. It as so helpful to have a regular guy kind of character to relate to. His reaction over the unforgivable curse lesson, his enthusiam for Herbology, his brave moment of standing up to learn to dance, and his night out with Ginny, comming home rather late. hmmm...
  • Ralph Fiennes as Voldemort? SO FUCKING GOOD. *bites fingernails* *shiver*

  • WTF!
    was up with the HEDGE MAZE OF DOOOooOoom. It's the whomping willow, not the whomping hedge! It was like the script doctors sat arond very late at night and said, DUDE that scene from The Two Towers was awesome with the tree roots and carnivorous trees and stuff. Let's do THAT. *eye roll*
  • Likewise, WHA-huh?! why did they feel it was necessary to up the emotional stakes with the Hungarian Horntail dragon by letting it OFF the chain and giving up a loooong 10 minutes (it felt like it) of Harry gets chased by a dragon green/blue screen special effects show off. *huge eye roll*

  • The film did best when showing the teenager stuff, and NOT the extended special effects confusion. This is my same gripe about the Lord of the Rings movies. The landscape and interpersonal stuff was great, the green zombie Army of the Dead? puleeeze.

  • my fan fic squee is back, I lost it for a while, but the movie provides great fodder.
    ETA: heybritney has a similar bulleted points wheee! summary of the movie here

hp squee, movies

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