Another lesson

Aug 20, 2005 13:37

I should point out that these cranky ramblings aren't just, well, cranky ramblings. These are responses to behavior that I see time after time in my current job, giving out forms and general information at the Police Admin building in downtown Calgary. It really puzzles me as to how people make it through life without learning some of this stuff...

Life's Lessons #3: just have to learn to navigate in the city. It's not really hard. I know that everybody sometimes gets into a bit of difficulty, but really, it's not necessary to be quite so abjectly stupid about it.

If you are unfamiliar with the city, it makes a lot of sense to KNOW THE ADDRESS of the place you are supposed to be. This makes it much easier to direct you than when you walk up to me and blurt out 'Where am I supposed to be?' [A regular occurance, trust me].

If you do happen to have the address written down, please try to realize that if it reads 'SouthWest' and the address of the building you are outside is 'SouthEast'...YOU HAVE TO WALK WEST to get to your destination!!! How hard is that? If it's your very first time in the city, be aware that city maps are available at just about every grocery and variety store in town, and certainly don't cost more than the Slurpee and bag of nacho chips, the residue of which I can see on the front of your shirt. [CF future posting 'DRESS FOR COURT'.] I will agree that the quadrant system on which Calgary addresses are based do require a few moments of thought to dope out, and a [very] few key facts to learn, but really folks...make the effort. North and South in the city are separated by the Bow's that big stretch of wet that runs east and west [ie sunrise direction and mountain direction] through the downtown. East and West start at CENTRE STREET...that's why we call it 'centre'. Clear? Gosh, I hope so.

Also, please keep in mind that Calgary is a city of almost a million people, and try not to look so surprised when, after asking me where 'the courthouse' is, I ask 'which one?'. In fact there are four separate courthouses in downtown Calgary...Provincial Court, Traffic Court, Family Court and Court of Queen's Bench. At least, try to KNOW THE NAME OF THE COURT YOU WANT TO GO TO.[CF future posting 'READ YOUR COURT DOCUMENTS'] I mean, throw me a frickin' bone here, folks. This isn't the Elk's Armpit, Alberta with just 6 streets [2 of them paved] where the Courtroom, RCMP post, town hall, public library and municipal garage are all in the same building. Face the fact that you may have to set up to the plate a little more energetically than just driving into town and asking the first guy you see in a uniform for directions.
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