fat bunnies. click for full.
gonna post this in a new community i found,
illustrated, too.
my room mates were telling me that animal rights activists were gonna get on my case about pincushion bunnies. i shouted "HEY! I'M A VEGETARIAN! IT'S OKAY!" and they said "...you are?!"
thank you captains of paying attention.
anyway despite my aversion to fleshy food, thanks to
this episode of this american life i REALLY want to go to
jubilee in alabama. for reasons unexplained emily camilla finds the concept creepy. this coming from the girl who finds it amusing to, when ordering paella, dangle a poor helpless baby squid from her soup in front of my face to make me shriek. again, LOGIC? i think not, captain has-no-logic.
my mom thinks she has it all figured out though. remember when i
demanded potatoes and salsa in exchange for "je suis une tomate"? i got this from her this morning:
I've made you papas y salsa soooo many times. Pin cushion patsy should be mine.
FINE MOM. SEND ME THE ADDRESS. unless you'd prefer pincushion bunnies instead.
fieryjack (8:09:55 AM): evil nipple!
not the tess (8:10:08 AM): you're an evil nipple.
lastly, i found this amazing photo.
18 year old tess in london! golden! i look dazed. too much boozing. I WAS DRINKING WATER THE WHOLE TIME, MOM. (i said this when i got home. i wonder if she believed me).