Apr 02, 2005 18:24
day to day living is rough
lasdjfl;askdfjl;askdfj;asldkfj;alifh vnwufhp awvy0#$%^&* sdlkfgjdsfjslfu
thank you lou reed
linger on
health concious but not active health
love and hate
mountains and roads
the city
the city
the city
the city
moving always always moving goin going never stopping crazy crazy im going crazy faster slowly heres the train
east side living 6 train dying
blisters blisters on my peddies walking walking fast paced heart beat
grey and brown and white blue white, too tall enclosed, we wear our clothes
the truth the lie the mix of both the time it takes to get down town
the bridge the L the fucked up feel
spinning breathing crashing steal
its real it isnt real its real it isnt real
i feel i feel, i feel too much the blocks are dirty to the touch
the gum the spit the crap the soot the tiny dog the idiot man
circles to love squares to hate, busy busy, an alarming rate
the city
the city
the city
so shitty so hellish