My porn star name would be: Tara Muffmuncher.....

Oct 08, 2002 23:22

Well that shoot was real fun.. I dont know if my picture turned out very well because i was so busy doing every one elses make up, clothes and every thing else.. About 18 people showed up. I did every ones make up and hair, they all turned out very well! I was so proud of myself, but in the end i didnt have any time to do my own make up and such, so i ended up haveing some one else putting my make up on for me as i got dressed. Cody was wearing my corset it was soo funny, i was shocked that it even fit him. Every one was wearing at least one artical of my clothing it was to funny. I think Hidi is going to have a few of us come back in for another shoot, i'm not to sure if she is going to or not. Shes going to have a lot of fun developing all of those pictures, i think shes only gotten through three of the ones that she took of me.
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