What a rollercoaster.

Mar 28, 2010 20:54

I just need to bitch a little.
I've been in a mad mood most of the day, on top of the fact that today sucked.

It started with a really bad breakfast taco. Thanks for getting one for me, step-mother, but yuck.
It continued with not eating again until 7pm because Dad has needed to do some grocery shopping for about a week. The last few days, at mealtimes, I've been opening up and starting blankly into cabinets and the fridge because there's nothing there. Pieces of meals, but nothing to make something good and wholesome.

We put together my bedframe that we bought at Ikea a week ago. I've been without a bedframe the entire time we've been in this house--five years. I guess it's nice to have one, but now my room is entirely out of sync. I've had everything organized with a low bed in mind. Now I have to go through and reorganize and clean out and blahblahblah. I'm sure that's exactly what Dad had in mind, though. He's never been exactly subtle or sensitive when letting me know how disgusting he thinks my constantly dirty room is. Disgusting might not be the right word, but you get the point.

After the bedframe was set up, and Dad had gone off to nap, I started going through my two bookcases. One of the things that we discussed was that I should get rid of some books that I'm not likely to ever pick up again. I filled a medium-sized box (like what you would use for moving). At least 30 books. It was really, really hard on me. While it's true that I probably never would have read them again, they were BOOKS. Books have a special spot in my heart. There were a lot of people bringing full boxes into Half Price Books, so I was in there nearly an hour. $31.75. It's $31.75 more than I had before, but it's still sad when compared to how much that full box was probably worth when they were all brand new.

While I was there, I received a call from Dad asking where I was and telling me that he and the step-mother were going to dinner, and they'd bring something back for me if I wanted. Okay, fine.
So I came home, and they had already eaten and come back because the line was very short. My food was in the microwave. The fish was the only edible part. The broccoli seemed as if it had been steamed or kept under a heat lamp for an hour. The rice has a few dozen heaping tablespoons of black pepper in it. And Dad forgot that I used to get potatoes with my fish, not rice. But I'll forgive him for that, he's 61.

Next, I had a letter from the City of Austin. A $70 parking ticket. From December. I never saw anything on my windshield. Why am I JUST receiving a letter about this? Why is it so much? Why didn't the officer who issued the ticket leave it under my windshield? Plus, I don't even have $70 to my name, so I have to take even MORE money from my parents!

I wish Sonic would finish processing my paperwork so I could start working. I need the money. The Erwin Center is peanuts with how few hours we get.

Oh, and last part for now. I heard back from UT financial aid about half an hour ago. No scholarships. No grants. Exact same thing as last year. I have to go through the same hoops with them again. I have to tell them AGAIN that my father WILL be denied for a parent loan, because he's ankle deep in shit with the IRS and has been for...forever. After that, I have to make them double my personal loans again. What sorts of hoops do I have to jump through for these fucking people to give me a grant? I'm already nearly $10000 in debt from loans and I'm only 18!!!

GAHHHHHIYFGTNRHMFYHBF TDRFD2A 586B64985PYNU3M9WJRIQKmnqb ahgdrvr53i xgr87ph9[ ZEXR6D7TF6G8YUHY5643S78D56R67T89UHNYBVR57T6IYRUJHNTBG63R7FT8YTG75V8Rtgyhuybyghuyb67itbyhn8ujynhg7utyubG67T57R9T8YBH68T7UYHf96guhnjy7u8i

EDIT: Forgot to mention that in a moment of anger, I texted something very emo, and very unhealthy to my best friend. The response? "Haha, awesome." Who's watching out for me if you're not?
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