Aug 07, 2007 09:15
So I've got an appointment with my therapist today, and she asked me to write up something telling her who I am. So I figured I'd stick it up here, as I'm feeling a bit creative and want to write it in a not so normal style. So anyways...
I am a bisexual transgender husband and father to two very cute children.
I am manic depressive, swinging between highs and lows frequently.
I am considered "smart", being skilled with math, science, and words, but knowing and understanding little of cars, social situations, or pop culture.
I am stubborn and self reliant, to the point of making things more difficult for myself than they need to be.
I am gentle and sensitive, never having hit someone out of anger despite having been physically attacked.
I am subconsciously controlling of my emotions and how I express them, only letting those around me see what I want them to see.
I am imaginative to the extreme, almost always daydreaming about many fantastical scenarios throughout the day.
I am a multi-tasker, almost always doing 2 or more things at the same time.
I am a gamer, enjoying games in all their forms including board, card, computer, console, etc.
I am a roleplayer, my greatest joy coming from creating and playing many diverse, interesting, and unique characters online, on paper, or even in Live Action Roleplays.
I am constantly living in a state of organized mess, though if the mess gets to be too much I will clean and organize it.
I am clumsy, stumbling over my own feat at times, but I have developed good reflexes to counteract my clumsiness.
I am a problem solver, loving to solve computer, logic, or even physical problems, though I like to take my time in doing so.
I am a caring and giving person, worrying about those I care for and willing to do whatever I can to help them.
I am a trusting person, willing to trust someone by default rather than be disbelieving of what they say.
I am a worrier of the unknown. I do not worry about something if I have a plan for it, or I know what is going on. I do worry when I don't know what is going on, like when I can't reach my wife on her phone when I should be able to.
I am a strong believer in the power of the mind, often pushing through physical problems through force of will.
I am an awake person, liking to be awake as much as a possibly can.
I am an active person. I like to be doing something always. The only time I can really sit still is when I am sick or exhausted.
I am a shy person. I do not like to deal with strangers, and will often go out of my way to avoid dealing with someone I don't know. I do not make friends easily, and am satisfied with a small, but close, group of friends.
I am a friend oriented person. I need friends that I can be around and have fun with. I can deal with being away from my family if I have friends.
I am a good worker. I do what is required of me at my job and work hard at it, but I have no problem with slacking off if I don't have anything to do.
I am not very close to my parents, though I do love and respect them.
I am very close to my wife and children, though they may irritate me at times.
I am very aware of my surroundings, often surprising people with my observations about people and things nearby.
I am a very naturally silent person. I don't talk unless I have something to talk about, and I can often scare people by just walking up next to them without them knowing.
I am a technophile. I love technology, and love cool little gadgets.
I am a prepared person. I like to have many things with me or easily accessable "just in case"
I am very sensitive to graphic images. Graphic depictions of violence or even injuries, including just text or spoken descriptions, make me sick to my stomach.
I am terrified of heights, bugs (especially spiders), and snakes. I cannot stand to be more than 20 feet off the ground, cannot stand to touch a snake or most bugs, and hate the feeling of spider webs.
I am very good at imaging and creating emotions within myself. I can roleplay so well that I create and play as characters that creep me out when I look back on them afterwards.
I am indescicive when it comes to others. If my decision is going to affect others I prefer to let them decide.
I am capable of being a leader if needed. I've shown the ability to take charge of situations when I have to, though I rarely have the desire to put myself into such situations.
I am complicated. I can be bouncy and happy at the same time as I'm sad.
I am not a fan of horror movies or games. They terrify me and make it hard, if not impossible, to sleep thanks to my imagination (I will be terrified of the dark after seeing something horror related.).
I am able to tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Though I day dream and fantasize a lot, I know the difference between fact and fiction. Something that may bug me in reality can be no problem if it is obviously fantastical.
I am submissive. I enjoy not being in charge, especially in my work.
I am horrible at getting a sense of direction. I am usually lost within two turns of driving somewhere new unless I have a map.
I am, however, very good at navigating if I have an accurate map.
I am very good at following directions precisely.
I am not happy with how I am as a "man"
I am very happy with how I am as a "woman" I'm able to express myself more freely as a woman. I'm able to be more energetic, more fun loving, and more carefree as a woman.
I am a dreamer. I dream about the future, and then try to make that future come true.
I am a debater. I will engage someone in a fierce battle of words if I think they are wrong in something, and I am very quick on my feet verbally.
I am proud of being different from the norm.
I am horrible and amazing at remembering things. Common words slip my mind somewhat frequently, but I can quote an entire hour long show word for word if I enjoy it.
I am a mental person. How I feel for someone is determined by how well I connect to them mentally and emotionally, not by how they look.
I am a group person. I hate being alone for extended periods of time, though even just electronic communication like chatting can help.
I am a physical person. Though I have a hard time being close with people, I want it. I want to hug, and touch, and be close, but I find it difficult to initiate.
I am possessed of a rather dry sense of humor. I like to make people laugh, though sometimes my jokes are far too mentally involving.
I am a comfort person. I like to be where I'm comfortable, which usually means I like to be home.
I am curious but not. I like to know things, how things work, why something works, etc, but I don't like to ask questions of others as I feel like I'm prying.
I am very happy to answer questions about myself.
I am not an outdoors person. I don't like being outside just for the purpose of being outside. I do not like camping, or hiking.
I am very fond of the rain. I love the sound of rain, the grayness it brings to the world.
I am not very fond of snow. I dislike winter and all it comes with. Except Christmas.
I am ME.
Well, that's it for now. I might be adding more to it later as I think bout it.