We're Soaring...Flying!!

Jun 02, 2006 20:03

I took yet another quiz (me n mah quiz eh hehe) from High School Musical webbie at Disney. here's what i got ^_^

You're most like GABRIELLA!

Did a star in the sky ever shine so bright? Charming, sophisticated and beyond intelligent, you could not be more balanced, just like GABRIELLA. Others are jelous of how together you are. Being such a fantastic observer, you assess all situations and never make your move too soon. Right time, right place -- you always know. You're open to all people and all different walks of like. To you, nobody fits in a single category. However, you have a tendency not to believe in yourself as much as you should. You're WONDERFUL! Go with it and there are no limits to what you can achieve for yourself and the world you live in!
**14% of the people that took this quiz got the same score as you**

yeay! im the sweet one!! lol. the shy but wants to shine lol. okok...bye
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