Apr 16, 2007 12:58
So my parcel from Amazon UK has arrived but instead of getting it delivered to my office as usual it was kept at the post-office and is now with the customs department. I sent a driver to pick it up but he came back empty handed saying that they are keeping my stuff at least until tomorrow because they want to watch the movies in case there is anything bad on them!!! (so they say)
Apparently they had major problems with a War Movie (Tigerland with Colin Farrell) which could possibly be used as a combat training tool *snort*.
A bit of info on my parcel: It includes 10 DVDs - six with Colin Farrell and four that have a gay theme… (oh, one of those is ‘A home at the end of the world’ with CF!) Yuppie….
Since homosexuality is illegal in Sri Lanka I now fear I won’t be allowed those four movies - nor Tigerland (despite the fact that you can buy pirate copies of the L word, QaF And Tigerland in every shop here.) Yep, don’t try to buy Copy Right materials Legally; it will get you in trouble. All I can hope is that they just wanted to watch the movies for entertainment and will soon give them back without more fuss!
What further annoys me is that the driver has now seen the contents - and will listen to custom’s explanations about my sin-full import, meaning he will know that:
A) I have an unhealthy obsession with Colin Farrell
B) I am a perverted foreigner who wants to watch men kissing.
Now, both of these are true of course but I didn’t really want the entire office to know that - And They Will, because one thing they do well here is gossip - oh, and kidnap perfectly legit movies.
Boooooh… Seriously, this country is driving me insane, slowly but surely…. All I wanted was a little escape into a slash world and now I’m suspected of training terrorists *lol* *whimpers* *takes deep breath*
Oh, and I’ve decided to use my LJ for pointless, personal rants now and then - as you may have gathered J