Nov 05, 2008 09:28
I am exhaused from all the wonderfulness that ensued last night... To be a part of such an important election was amazing. When I cast my vote for Barack Obama, excuse me, President Elect Barack Obama, I got tearied eyed and let out a cheer as I was receiving my 'I voted' sticker. Even though Pat is sick, he still was able to enjoy the victory that we have been waiting to see for the past 21 months. Kathleen was lucky she got to stay up until 11:30 to see Ole McBama's speech. Yes she calls him Ole McBama, I wonder does he have a farm? eei, eei ooooooo.
I felt light, happier this morning. People cut me off I didn't care, I let people in my lane, I drove a little slower I enjoyed the foliage more.... I felt hopeful. It sounds sappy but everything seems better today. I hope this feeling lasts for a while.
barack obama,