Nov 06, 2007 18:03
I slept in until 7:15 this morning. I got up, took a long, leisurely shower, checked my non-existent e-mail and got my day's food ready and packed in the cooler. I gave my car plenty of time to warm up, and I was able to check my post office box before heading to work, arriving right on time at 8:30 straight up. It was awesome. I have never been so happy to hear that someone was sick before! (No offense to my granddaughter's mother....) I never thought I'd see a time wherein sleeping until 7:15 on a work day would be considered a luxury, but here we are.
We're here, at work (don't worry boss - I'm on break), where we're still undecided on the time. Our networks (run by a foreign entity that I won't say anything about except to say that they are unfailingly polite [to the world at large]) (and their cops wear red) were never set to the new DST date, so last weekend they fell back, leaving us all off-kilter as the LCD on our telephone system told us we were on time but our computers told us we were friggin' early, yo! As they resisted all attempts at bringing them around to the correct time, the problem was solved simply by resetting to Pacific time. This week we had to set it back, and the computers now work like a champ. Not so the phones....
The phones tell us by the second that not only were we late this morning, we're that much closer to getting out of this pithole and heading for home. It's tough. You go through your day, get immersed in your work, and you glance at your phone a million and a half times throughout the course of business. You forget in the process, and then when you turn to your computer you're hit with a jolt because it's an hour earlier in computer-time, and you realize that you've got that much more of Hell to process before the whistle blows, and you're struck once more with this feeling of the utterly unreal. It's unsettling. (Kind of funny, coming from a woman who deliberately sets her alarm clocks hours and halves ahead and keeps her car clock twenty to thirty minutes off, huh?)
So I'm sitting here, getting ready to get back to my workload, listening to the Backstreet Boys cd that I picked up at the post office this morning (if anyone is wondering, I fail to see where the exclusion of Kevin has caused any sort of issue with the quality) and hoping the day goes smoothly (i.e., all filing). Or is over quickly. Whichever I can best get away with.