I keep waiting for something to HAPPEN, so I have something to write about. Instead, I'll just write to you all about nothing, and see how it goes.
Life's just been, I suppose. I've been keeping busy by going to the movies all the time [seeing Pirates, naturally], writing small crappy stories, trying to figure out what I'm going to do with the rest of my life. You know, all that. Hah.
It's my mummy's birthday today! And also Philip Larkin's birthday, which is a random fact stuck in my brain thanks to having heard about it a million times during presentations in a class I had at Niagara. I told mummy that it was Philip Larkin's birthday, and when she asked who he was, I said he was a poet that looked like Richard Deacon and wrote the "they fuck you up, your mom and dad" poem. It was early in the morning, you see, and that was the only Larkin I could think of. Now that I am awake, I can recite all of "The Explosion" (coughing oath-edged talk and pipe smoke shouldering off the freshened silence), which doesn't do any of us any good, does it? Especially not you, as I have to quote poetry into the void of the internet now, not being a student anymore. Aha.
It doesn't look like I'll be going to Scotland anymore, but the good news is that I've interviewed for a very interesting job and I'll have another interview in Virginia next weekend. I'll write more about that when I know if I've been hired to said interesting job or not...I'd hate to get all excited, only to not get the job and suffer the subsequent disappointments.
In case any of you were wondering which Johnny Depp character you were most like, fear not, because I've the answer right here for you!
Lookie there, I'm most like JM Barrie! Quelle surprise, that. I suppose asexual authors are all alike. Haha.
I know I had more things to write about than Larkin and Johnny Depp, but now that I'm actually writing, I forget, of course. Such is life, such is life.
Hayley!! I got your postcard from London yesterday. It made me squee. Thank you. (:
Erin, thank you again for the shiny coffee and James-Franco-prostitute movie you sent. That made me happy.
Hmm. Well, if I think of what else I was going to write, I can always go back and add on, eh?