Still on a collision course with *wackiness*

May 25, 2012 20:43

Hey there. Went to my mom's to watch one nephew play baseball and my niece (aged 7)dance in a Great Big Recital. (Oddly enough, I saw no attribution in the program for the use of the music. I don't think I'm a mandatory reporter for ASCAP) While there, my brother's intensely stupid redneck Lifetime Girlfriend nearly awoke my Kraken, and don't think I mean sexually cause ew.

She was complaining about my brother wanting to know if she had been allegedly cooking all day for our family dinner the next day, why wasn't there anything to eat? She kept bouncing in from his part of the house to tell us this, and my mother just murmured. I was knitting. Then, LG bounced back in to say, "I told him he was acting like CHUCK!" Chuck is my deceased father, who didn't like LG, and whoa. You've just insulted my oldest brother, and my father, who built the add-on apartment you're living in rent-free?

I'm telling you, see what seven something years of doing spiritual exercises has done for me? I just counted my stitches. Later, I said to Mom, "If she had any clue she was being offensive, I would have snatched her hair out my the peroxide." Mom said, "She is incapable of understanding anything. She didn't even know your daddy, your brother didn't bring her around that much."

And she talks to me in baby talk.
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