Nov 07, 2011 21:41
Well, since last time, I have taken one cat to the vet, had my new shoes Not Fit (can feet shrink?) got a new battery for my car, been on five hospital visits to one of my old mentors, and then found out today that he is in ICU and not expected to live. He is 82, but still, I've been lunching with him twice a week for the past year and known him for twenty. He's 82 and has pneumonia on top of lung cancer. So it puts a lot of petty crap in perspective, yes?
Meanwhile, my 82 year old mom is in very good shape, and she is eager to get me home for Thanksgiving in the barely suppressed hope that I will kill my oldest brother's girlfriend. I'm bringing a Rx for Valium. Not kidding!
My pajama-d client of last week told her PO that I sold her down the river cause she came to court in her jammies. And high. The client of two months ago who cursed at me and hung up on me, today claims that her Evil Sister In Law took the phone and was talking. I actually said, "What-ev-er. I don't take this stuff personally." At the time, I actually yelled down the hall, "Do you believe this shit? She lied to the magistrate and she's hanging up on ME." Our office manager likes to listen to the tone of my voice change, through the wall.
I have got to make appointments with the dentist for a cracked filling, with my hairdresser to re-blonde me & cover the roots, and to have a mammogram because I am overdue. The last will be the easiest. I hope this year no one asks me frickin' legal questions while my boob is in a vice.