Actually, this is teeny tiny attention span.
"We can help her," Ducky said. "I got in touch with an old friend in England. He'll be here tonight. Jimmy is already at the airport."
"I refuse to believe any of this," DiNozzo said, to no one in particular. "In fact, I'm going upstairs to join McGee in a fetal position in the truck.
"She was dead," Gibbs, said, dully. "Dead and autopsied."
"You should not have invited her inside," Ziva said, "but at least she hasn't hurt anyone. It looks as though she came straight here when she dug herself up."
"Guys?" Abby asked plaintively. "If you won't get me some blood wouldja at least get me a Caf-Pow?" She raised her cuffed hands. "I promise not to bite anyone."
"We'll go to the butcher's shop and get some pig blood when it opens," Ducky promised her. "It's still night."
"Look at it this way, Boss," DiNozzo said. "She already has the coffin bed."
"Why is it a cross rather than a Star of David?" Ziva asked, having apparently come to the end of a train of thought. "I am not comfortable with the idea of having a crucifix."
"Ziva, now's not the time," Gibbs said, still staring at Abby, who sat docilely in her cuffs and shackles, some dirt still visible in the part of her hair.
Abby, almost ashamed, turned away from Gibbs. "Did I have a nice funeral, Ducky?" she asked.
"You would have loved it," he assured her. "Everyone cried. And soon, we'll have your soul back, and you won't be any danger to anyone."
"And then we get the bastard who did this," Gibbs said.
"He was really a nice guy," Abby said. "Don't be mad at me, Gibbs!"
"Mad?" Gibbs repeated, as if he'd never heard the word.
"The rules don't say anything about getting turned!"
"It's covered in 'Don't get killed,' " DiNozzo said.
"Your friend better be good," Gibbs said, looking at Ducky.
"Jethro, Giles is the only one on earth who would, or indeed, could help us."
There were noises upstairs, and then the basement door opened, and a tall, tweedy man, a tall, badly-dressed dark-haired man, a short red-headed young woman, and a blonde young woman followed Jimmy Palmer downstairs.
"What is this, Scooby Doo?" Gibbs growled.
DiNozzo turned to Ziva. "Wait, Gibbs knows what Scooby Doo is?"