Vamp!Mulder 3

Jul 07, 2004 21:09

Ratboy, come back!

Title: There Is No Seven
Author: Tesla
Genre: Angel/X-Files crossover
Rating: NC-17

Part three.

"Hi, Alex," Mulder said. "Long time no see."

"The fuck?" Krycek said, and slammed the door.

Mulder clucked his tongue reprovingly, and kicked it open.

"Not nice of you not to let me in," he said.

Krycek just stared. He did have a gun in his left hand, but no stakes. Good. Ratboy hadn't got the memo, yet, either.

Mulder leaned on the doorjamb. "You can try using it. It won't hurt me, but it will piss me off."

"Why are you standing there, Mulder? Why don't you come in?" Krycek said, heavily sarcastic.

"Thanks," Mulder said, and stepped over the threshold. He closed the door behind him. "Took out Cancerman this morning," he said, conversationally. "Did you know I couldn't come in unless you invited me?"

Krycek's expression almost made Mulder laugh. But he re-grouped; Mulder had always admired that about the asshole.

"So you're here for me?" Krycek asked. "What, you a supersoldier now? Clone? Alien hybrid?"

"Try demon," Mulder said, and switched in and out of game face.

Krycek's pulse jumped. Smell of fear, but bigger smell of...curiosity. "Holy fuck," he said. He came closer to Mulder. "Demon?"

"Well, vampire, if you want to be technical." Mulder paused. "And I do."

"So you've come to bite me?" Krycek looked around the room. "And me without my garlic or a cross."

"Actually, I'm full. And no, I don't have a coffin. Don't need one." Mulder took the gun out of Krycek's hand. "So, I only got three names from Spender's files. Took care of two of them. And guess who the third was?"

"Are you going to kill me or talk me to death?" Krycek asked. He turned and walked over to the mirror, looking at Mulder's lack of reflection. "Shit, Mulder. I already had a demon inside me. Crawling around. You think that's what the black oil did? Turned you into a vampire? It didn't."

Mulder was walking around the apartment, picking up things and looking at them critically. Russian trinkets. Icons.

The icons didn't burn his hand. He wondered why.

"I know how I was turned," Mulder said. "Someone took me to a hot-sheet motel in Los Angeles and a black haired woman came in. She thought she was making a companion, but the consortium had hired her to turn me."

Krycek looked at him, his eyes narrowing. He was standing by the window. Height issues, Alex?

"Something went wrong. Someone dumped my body so Scully would find it. She buried me. Wires got crossed, someone double-crossed, or maybe didn't get paid. Anyway, I need to find out who in Los Angeles has my maker. I need names."

Krycek actually smiled. "So you come to me." He turned to face Mulder, leaning against the window frame.

"You're a survivor, Krycek. You know everything." He smiled. "And I'm not one of the good guys any more. I want revenge." His circuit of the apartment had taken him beside the other man.

"Well, you know what all the geeks say. It's a dish best served cold."

Mulder put his fingertips on Krycek's cheek, saw the green eyes widen at the icy touch. "No one colder than me, now."


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