Bunch o' Stuff

Jul 25, 2008 17:22

Well, I paid my first mortgage payment today, starting to get a little settled in, but still got a whole lotta stuff to do.

chronarchy has been helping me out with some things, many thanks.
Got to spend some quality time with
wishmaiden last week which is always fun. 
Also grabbed steaks with
wishesofastar and Tom which was nice.
Had my annual performance review a couple days ago, went really well, seems like they're willing to give me as much responsibilities as I want, now its just a matter of deciding how much to take.  
Nothing at all in the romance front, which is nothing new.
My dad is doing alright, no new major problems but nothing has been taken care of either.
I'll have to make a post sometime over the weekend for the camping trip, might have to try to push it back into October, damn work and USC football games!
Been eating out too much lately, but that will happen when you still haven't unpacked your kitchen stuff.
Gotta run to the grocery store now, hopefully I'll make a real post over the weekend.

EDIT: just talked to my dad, they wanted to admit him to the hospital (again) earlier today, he refused (again).  This time his doctor is really worried about how much weight he's lost, he's down to 175 lbs, which for a guy who is 6'4", still relatively muscular and does have a beer belly (which, of course, is very slow to lose), is underweight.  His weightloss is due to a combination of his medications (up to 22 pills a day, woo-hoo) and major problems with his teeth, or lack there of at this point (since MS kills your nerve cells, and since your teeth rot if the nerves in them die, he was having massive trouble with his teeth, he had them all pulled out and dentures made, but due to another combination of MS's effects on how the body heals and the shitty health-care in this country, he still can't eat solid foods, damn it)... Once he refused to be admitted, they told him to be there (his doctor's office is pretty much an out-patient hospice care facility at a hospital) first thing Monday morning, but since he was already scheduled to come in Tuesday morning, he talked them into giving him another day.  Of course, I offered to come up to Toledo this weekend, but he refused, and I understand why, if I had to come up for such a reason, that means that he is sick and he doesn't/can't think about it like that.  Instead, I'm already planning on going up there next weekend, purely to pick up house-stuff, of course (not), so if I were to come up earlier than he'd take it as an insult at this "surviving with this bullshit" skills.  He also mentioned to me that he (thankfully) started going to another denture maker and that he was impressed and is buying a whole new set instead of having them try to fix his current pair, he explained this, of course, by saying that, "hell, spending that much money on it gives me something to live for" and then went on talking about how he is blowing through my inheritence money (which, of course, I don't give a fucking rat's ass about, I'd much, much, much, much rather have him around than get a few thousand dollars..

Enough for now, just needed to vent I guess.  I know some of you have or are going through similar situations, even when it is yourself who is ill, it certainly isn't an easy situation in any regards, it is tough and we all have to work through it in our own ways, sorry if I haven't been there to help (in any way) any of you when you're where I am now.

update, dad

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