
May 30, 2008 00:18

Over the last couple of days I’ve been thinking about the conceptualization of perfections quite a bit. It started all too innocently enough as a miss-used word in an email which someone misinterpreted and led to further complications, but thus is the ebb and flow of life.

In my own version of Taoist thought, perfection is a funny thing. It certainly doesn’t mean to be without flaws or weaknesses, but rather perfect in a particular situation and time frame; the idea of an ultimate perfection doesn’t exist, it changes as all things change. To be “perfect” is to be always adapting and always fitting into the particular situations which present themselves in daily life. On the other hand, perfection doesn’t exist, nothing is perfect, everything is flawed, but in that flawed state, it is perfect.

I usually don’t tend to think about the idea of perfection since perfection usually equates to being “good” and at the risk of sounding too full of b.s., good and bad have no ultimate meaning, everything is relative, but in this thought process, perfection is the combination of all the “good” and “bad” things of something as they are in a particular situation.

Enough for one night, and no, I haven’t smoked weed in years, seriously…


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