Everclear Summerland Lyrics and more nonsense

Aug 28, 2006 22:30


Let's just drive your car
We could drive all day
Let's just get the hell away from here
For I am sick again
Just plain sick to death
Of the sound of my own voice
We could leave behind another wasted year
Get some cheap red wine and just go flying
We could do the things,
All the things you wanted to
No one cares about us anyway
I think I lost my smile
I think you lost yours too
We have lost the power to make each other laugh
Let's just leave this place
And go to Summerland
Just a name on the map
Sounds like heaven to me
We could find a town
Be just how we want to be
No one here really cares about us anyway
We could find a place
Make it what we want it to be
No one really gives a fuck about us anyway
We could live just like we want to live
No one here really cares about us anyway
We could be everything we want to be
We could get lost in the fall
Glimmer sparkle and fade
The sparkle and fade
Fall glimmer sparkle and fade
Forget about our jobs at the record store
Forget about all the losers that we know
Forget about all the memories that keep you down
Forget about them
We could lose them in the sparkle and fade
We could leave them behind in the sparkle and fade
Yeah sparkle and fade
Fall glimmer sparkle and fade


I always think of this song when I hear anything abotu 6th Night's Grove's Summerland event, while I know its of course, not particularly relevant to the event, there are similarities which I find very amusing.

First off, the suggestion that we can go off and find a place that we're accepted is very relevant to Summerland. Although I was (and have been at previous Summerland events) been sort of on the fringes of the event, I have no doubt noticed that Summerland offers a very welcoming atmospheare towards just about everyone there (even myself, if I ever "come around").

As an "outsider" I look upon events like Summerland in a different view than those of you who experience it as a participant. And while I was very glad to be there while my good friend chronarchy was ordained, as well as to give another good friend a drive to the ritual, I am, as Proffesor Jones puts it, I always feel "betwix and between" at such events; and being Taoist certianly doesn't "help" things either.

I tend to offer a lot of myself and expect very little in return. This is not a fault, but rather simply the way I am. When I do "good/helpful" things I don't really view them as such. I view them as simply doing things, if others find them helpful and useful, good. If they don't, oh well, sucks to be them. The point of this last paragraph is that several of you have expressed concern (or sorrow for asking me in the first place) for what I do for you. Let me simply state that if I don't want to do something, I will simply not volunteer to do it, or agree to do it if asked. So, in short, do not feel bad for asking me for anything, be it physical help, planning/technical help, or other sorts of help. But also don't be pissed if I refuse; I will never hold it against you for asking, so don't hold it against yourself for doing the same. I am always yelled at for saying "that's what I'm here for" when people thank me for things, but, perhaps that is what I am here for. Who's to say? If I were any of you all, I would be taking advantage of this Taoist bastard while the getting is still good, because, like a good Taoist bastard, I can easily change me mind tomorrow and go live in a cave somewhere for the next ten years. ;) /but serious

lyrics, taoism

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