Jun 14, 2020 09:30
They say that every day is a new beginning, a fresh start, to make ourselves better than who we were yesterday or who we are today. It really is not about the timing, though. You can start in the dead end of the night, you can start now. What matters is not when you start, but that you have started.
Change does not happen with decisions, it happens with routine. The greatest opposition to change is almost always ourselves, because it take us out of our comfort zone. We have trained our body and mind to satiate our desires,and it will keep dragging us back to that comfort, till it is trained out of it in to a new comfort level. It takes time, commitment and perseverance to make a new routine and get your mind and body to adjust.
So, here is a new beginning. A quest to find that which was lost in our struggles, of existence and then sustenance. The hopes that we left on the wayside. The dreams that we wrapped up, collecting dust in the deep corners of our heart, waiting to be picked up again. The zeal for life that we have bottled up, still waiting for that promised tomorrow when it will be let out.
When we fail, which we will, just know that what matters is not that you have failed but that you have tried, you have dusted yourself up and tried again. Failure does not drag you down, it builds you up and makes you stronger for success. Come to think of it, this is the thing about success, it makes all failures badges of honor.
So, let us begin, shall we? To fail again, and yet again. Till we succeed.