Feb 10, 2007 22:42
ok, so i went to bed last night at 9.30. that's kinda sad. but i dont care, cuz mom got me up early and we did the whole saturday running around town thing. i got a fun sweater, so that was good. i came home and took the car to the yarn store. dissapointingly, all they seem to have is skinny skeins of expensive fibers in good colors. except for a few things (that i couldn't have afforded), i totally prefer my cheaper, ususal yarn stores. but enough about string...
i've been sniffly all day. it's annoying. I feel like a big allergy attack is coming on, but it wont get any worse, which i guess is good, but still vexing. it also makes it hard to concentrate, so i'l probly go soon. if i can move. beh, moving.